I keep reading about how FO4 gives no motivation for the player to actually do anything, including the MQ. Lots to do in the world, some say too much, but no motivation to do anything.
I can only wonder if these people ever played a Bethesda open world game before. Skyrim gave little motivation to ever do the MQ. In fact after dealing with the tower most of my characters went on and retired without ever doing anything else on the MQ. Just no motivation to do it so I was free to role-play anything else I wanted. Ironically when Bethesda tried to add motivation with Dawnguard and the vamp attacks they over did it. The way the non-essential NPC's were being wiped out I had to mod the game to stop it. Sure that was motivation to do the DG MQ, but it was overkill for sure.
I haven't played FO4 and don't really know how the motivation for the MQ will be, but I was wondering how hard do you want the game to push you? Do you want the MQ in your face all the time and have consequences (like dead NPC's) if you don't do it? Or just know it's there and be able to ignore it completely?