Motivations of the NCR

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:41 am

But the Roman Empire fell as well. Why not choose a totally different path if he thought pre war societies were bad.

Slavery, conquest be sheer force, and keeping order by killing have already been done and failed.

Everything will fail, because humans are not capable of governing themselves on a grand scale in anyway. It might work for hundreds of years, but sooner or later one way or another it will end badly.

In all reality small groups is probably the best way, because every one is more likely to have a say. The problem with that is they will be forced to fight with other small groups, or will be destroyed or swallowed up if a large group rolls through.

Humans are just incapable of toleranting each other for long derations.

Small groups can be beneficial. Mr.House is a small group, so yay for Mr.House! :celebration:
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:31 am

I d rather live under todays free worlds laws "Amehricuah" may be the most free civilised nation in the world, all of Europe and many other nations are very close. Owning fire arms, and the kinds of fire arms we can own may be the only thing that sets us apart from the rest of the free world. I d rather live in any other nation in todays free world than live under cl rule. That is why NCR is better in my mind.

See this is a great example of an NCR vs Legion argument falling flat on its face. If you look at these things with a modern day perspective, you're bound to be biased no matter what.
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:47 pm

See this is a great example of an NCR vs Legion argument falling flat on its face. If you look at these things with a modern day perspective, you're bound to be biased no matter what.

You look at Caesars Legion from any perspective other than primative humans and arrogent imperialists and all your going to see is a cesspool. The Legion is a mash-up of all the evils man is capable of rolled into one by a petulent fool with a god-complex, it's an ego-trip, one mans wet-dream turned reality and is doomed to crumble without him due to how he designed it. Romans would see the Legion as savage pretenders, everyone in the wastes that isn't hopped up on drugs or blinded by anger or too primative to know better sees them as barbaric raiders, everyone in human history would despise them, the only ones who fully support the Legion are born into it or were brainwashed into doing so.

Caesar is an arrogent dike and doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. Any sane person would sooner trust Hitler or Stalin to lead them then Caesar.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:30 am

You look at Caesars Legion from any perspective other than primative humans and arrogent imperialists and all your going to see is a cesspool. The Legion is a mash-up of all the evils man is capable of rolled into one by a petulent fool with a god-complex, it's an ego-trip, one mans wet-dream turned reality and is doomed to crumble without him due to how he designed it. Romans would see the Legion as savage pretenders, everyone in the wastes that isn't hopped up on drugs or blinded by anger or too primative to know better sees them as barbaric raiders, everyone in human history would despise them, the only ones who fully support the Legion are born into it or were brainwashed into doing so.

Caesar is an arrogent dike and doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. Any sane person would sooner trust Hitler or Stalin to lead them then Caesar.

There's so much wrong in this post I don't know where to begin, so I'll just leave it at this:

People really don't understand the whole concept of real life not being comparable to the Fallout universe. It just does not work that way.

And I don't want this to turn into another NCR vs Legion thread.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:09 am


She's gonna blow!

*runs in slow motion to Forum Index*
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:05 am

The NCR is vastly superior to the Legion that there's no point in even discussing it. I mean, they have democracy and they're like America and stuff. But the Legion, they're bad people. They kill things and they also wears skirts.

Thread saved.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:25 pm

Right behind you Vicente! We'll leave Blytherscythe in this thread, hoepefully he'll calm down when he joins the next one.
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James Smart
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:40 am

There's so much wrong in this post I don't know where to begin, so I'll just leave it at this:

People really don't understand the whole concept of real life not being comparable to the Fallout universe. It just does not work that way.

And I don't want this to turn into another NCR vs Legion thread.

Yet again you leave with little debate, honestly walk the walk if your going to talk the talk. Defend your precious Legion. You may as well being saying "Your right, but I will not admit it to save face", that makes you come off as a condescending [censored]. Back on topic...

All the other factions, not just the NCR, hate the Legion for the reasons many have posted, slavery, sixism, leadership in the hands of an egomaniac, bigotry, etc. The Legion was supposed to be the faction that had a survival at all costs mentality, but it doesn't, they will crumble from in-fighting when the bald bastard is gone. Caesar made a society to compliment his ego and probably compansate for something I cannot type in but must be rather small, Ashur and the Pitt was far better for the survival at all costs faction. The Legion is basicly a generic bad guy group with few redeeming qualities. Even without applying real-life comparisions the Legion is evil, everyone else would be doing great without them, they are cancer in the Mojave, they hold us back, they are little better than the anarchy ending.

Why must so many Legion supporters shut off their brains like Legion recruits do?
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Robert DeLarosa
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:13 pm


She's gonna blow!

*runs in slow motion to Forum Index*

All I can say to you is...

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:14 am

Yet again you leave with little debate, honestly walk the walk if your going to talk the talk. Defend your precious Legion. You may as well being saying "Your right, but I will not admit it to save face", that makes you come off as a condescending [censored]. Back on topic...

All the other factions, not just the NCR, hate the Legion for the reasons many have posted, slavery, sixism, leadership in the hands of an egomaniac, bigotry, etc. The Legion was supposed to be the faction that had a survival at all costs mentality, but it doesn't, they will crumble from in-fighting when the bald bastard is gone. Caesar made a society to compliment his ego and probably compansate for something I cannot type in but must be rather small, Ashur and the Pitt was far better for the survival at all costs faction. The Legion is basicly a generic bad guy group with few redeeming qualities. Even without applying real-life comparisions the Legion is evil, everyone else would be doing great without them, they are cancer in the Mojave, they hold us back, they are little better than the anarchy ending.

Why must so many Legion supporters shut off their brains like Legion recruits do?

No man I totally agree with you; the NCR is the bee's knees. As a matter of fact I think we should just totally leave the Legion out of this.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:02 pm

Yet again you leave with little debate, honestly walk the walk if your going to talk the talk. Defend your precious Legion. You may as well being saying "Your right, but I will not admit it to save face", that makes you come off as a condescending [censored]. Back on topic...

All the other factions, not just the NCR, hate the Legion for the reasons many have posted, slavery, sixism, leadership in the hands of an egomaniac, bigotry, etc.

NCR is hated too, you know! Last time I checked, House,Bos,Followers,Khans,some Remnants,Powder Gangers and the Kings all dislike NCR.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:06 pm

Rather NCR than the legion. IMO House deserves new vegas. The guy is a hero and he saved alot of lifes. The legion is just a setback in time with their pathetic view of the world.
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Tyler F
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:51 am

NCR is hated too, you know! Last time I checked, House,Bos,Followers,Khans,some Remnants,Powder Gangers and the Kings all dislike NCR.

Never said they were, though the Followers are more neutral towards them, they don't go out their way to harm them, the Remnants except for one are also neutral to them because they take their actions into acount, the Khans attacked first, the Powder Gangers are thugs and attack anyone, the BOS starting shooting first and the Kings discriminate against citizens of the NCR and mainly see the NCR as a threat to their independant violent drug filled lives. The Kings have a good reason to dislike the NCR and same with many small towns, the rest are either neutral or started shooting first.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:19 am

Yet again you leave with little debate, honestly walk the walk if your going to talk the talk. Defend your precious Legion. You may as well being saying "Your right, but I will not admit it to save face", that makes you come off as a condescending [censored]. Back on topic...

Why must so many Legion supporters shut off their brains like Legion recruits do?

wow, you kidding?

Seriously, you're being combative and antagonistic. It's unfortunate no Moderators happen to be listening in...
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Scared humanity
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:53 pm

No man I totally agree with you; the NCR is the bee's knees. As a matter of fact I think we should just totally leave the Legion out of this.

Yeah right, but agreed, I don't want to derail this thread anymore than I already have.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:45 am

wow, you kidding?

Seriously, you're being combative and antagonistic. It's unfortunate no Moderators happen to be listening in...

What? One censored curse and a jab at blind-Legion fans (which I may point out doesn't count for all of them) and suddenly I deserve moderator wrath? I don't like how he dismisses others arguements and statements as false but refuses to give his own, so yes I'm being combative and antagonistic, but I'm not being condescending nor I'm I being pretentious.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:04 am

It should be worth noting that....

Let's say you make the most loyal NCR character possible. You follow all your orders, you never do anything to gain NCR infamy and you take every opportunity possible to gain NCR fame. If you follow this route:

-The BoS must be destroyed.
-The Followers can't be asked to support the NCR.
-The Khans can only be allied under very special circumstances, and technically Colonel Moore tells you she just wants them gone, so it's highly unlikely the Khans live.
-The people of Vault 34 will die
-Westside will suffer
-Only the Boomers and the Kings will be allied
-If you take initiative in Jacobstown and do the soldiers work for them (the soldiers are working for NCR senators, after all), the Enclave cannot be allied
-Enclave is hunted by NCR to begin with.

In short, part of what makes the NCR so "good" is actually the Courier. Yes, the NCR is good for being willing to negotiate, but my point is that they themselves are not the ones that take the initiative to start negotiations: it's the Courier. A 100% completely loyal NCR playthrough actually sees just as many people suffer as one would see when following Caesar or House, maybe even more. (Caesar will let Followers leave peacefully and the Khans are likely integrated rather than killed, Mr. House only has a problem with the BoS and possibly Freeside, no one else)
Feel free to give them credit for being more open-minded than the other factions, but peaceful by nature, they are not. They're there strictly because it profits them.

I agree with almost everything said in this post except not being able to seek aid from the Followers if one is doing a follow orders to the letter NCR trooper. While some in the NCR might not like their anarchistic ways they never actually say that you shouldn't deal with them.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:09 am

See this is a great example of an NCR vs Legion argument falling flat on its face. If you look at these things with a modern day perspective, you're bound to be biased no matter what.

No, that is the debate down to its very bones.

NCR- A nation built on old world values of democracy and the rule of law.

CL- A vast army of slaves forged from the conquest of 86 tribes.

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Mel E
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:22 pm

NCR- values of democracy

President Tandi in power for 52 years

and the rule of law.

rampant corruption

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Laura Wilson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:42 pm

President Tandi in power for 52 years

rampant corruption


Keep looking for the perfect system, and you ll be looking until the day you die.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:09 am

Keep looking for the perfect system, and you ll be looking until the day you die.

lol and you keep idealizing a system that claims it's one thing but is in reality another
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His Bella
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:05 am

Well I m just going by the intro of the game. I assume the women was voted in, or the intro would be telling a lie.

The choice it clear. You have NCR, or slavery, and being used as canon fodder in Caesers Legion. I m sure you ll take cl IRL right?
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:44 am

Well I m just going by the intro of the game. I assume the women was voted in, or the intro would be telling a lie.

The choice it clear. You have NCR, or slavery, and being used as canon fodder in Caesers Legion. I m sure you ll take cl IRL right?

Making real life comparisons is such a idiotic cop-out just so you can give your own arguments more credibility.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:49 am

Making real life comparisons is such a idiotic cop-out just so you can give your own arguments more credibility.

I run my first playthrough as me with +10 balls. The choices I make are the choices I would make if I was there, if that was my world.

Saying its just a game so lets have women used as six slaves, and all men used as cannon fodder is a cop out if you ask me.

I have a cl guy too, but that is not what my me character did.

I don t want those video game women tortured by cl.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:37 am

I run my first playthrough as me with +10 balls. The choices I make are the choices I would make if I was there, if that was my world.

And that's why you can't participate in these discussions.

You're blinded by bias due to the world you were born into and your refusal to see thing from different perspectives.
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