There's so much wrong in this post I don't know where to begin, so I'll just leave it at this:
People really don't understand the whole concept of real life not being comparable to the Fallout universe. It just does not work that way.
And I don't want this to turn into another NCR vs Legion thread.
Yet again you leave with little debate, honestly walk the walk if your going to talk the talk. Defend your precious Legion. You may as well being saying "Your right, but I will not admit it to save face", that makes you come off as a condescending [censored]. Back on topic...
All the other factions, not just the NCR, hate the Legion for the reasons many have posted, slavery, sixism, leadership in the hands of an egomaniac, bigotry, etc. The Legion was supposed to be the faction that had a survival at all costs mentality, but it doesn't, they will crumble from in-fighting when the bald bastard is gone. Caesar made a society to compliment his ego and probably compansate for something I cannot type in but must be rather small, Ashur and the Pitt was far better for the survival at all costs faction. The Legion is basicly a generic bad guy group with few redeeming qualities. Even without applying real-life comparisions the Legion is evil, everyone else would be doing great without them, they are cancer in the Mojave, they hold us back, they are little better than the anarchy ending.
Why must so many Legion supporters shut off their brains like Legion recruits do?