Exactly what I'd expect you to say. Which is why I say you're not fit to participate in these type of arguments.
Ah the usual response I see.
The NCR compares themselves to old world values, which until WW2 was our world, and to some extent the Legion does the same, it's just differant time periods. So we can compare the Legion to any point in history until the 1950's and still technicaly be in the Fallout universe. And even the Third Reich and the USSR are more appealing societies compared to CL, they had slavery (Jews and Ukrainians), were cults of personality and cruel had punishments, but they treated women like human beings, used technology. The worst dictatorships prior to 1950 would see CL as a bunch of savage barbarians to be wiped out.
If you don't want real life comparisons, because if we could your arguments couldn't hold water, then let me ask you this, what society outside of CL and the Omertas (allies of CL) in the Mojave treat women like brahmin, forbay the use of advanced technology, have cruel exectuions, supports slavery and runs like a cult? None, other than a few tribes the rest of the Fallout world in the western frontier sees that as either stupid or evil, that's why CL cannot get anyone to ally with them other than backward tribes which they betray in the end. The Mojave has it's own set morals, the Legion is a foreign band of raiders and their views are in the minority, a bunch of nukes doesn't equal the destruction of values. The only good quality they have is a secure society that will continue humanity no matter the cost, but even that's up for debate because CL cannot operate without Caesar, because he designed it that way, it's his ultimate power fantasy. Their leaders egomania is going to be their downfall.
I know I said I'd stop derailing the thread, but everyone else has without me. So why the hell not?