Motivations of the NCR

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:53 am

A lot of people will tell you that the NCR is in the Mojave to spread the "American" way of life, promote civilization, and help the people of the Mojave. Others will tell you that they are in it for the resources that come from taxation of the locals and possession of the dam without care for the locals themselves. What do you think, or do you think it's a combination of the two, or something else entirely?
Edit: If you chose both then which do you think they are doing more of? Personally I think they doing a little bit of both but they tend to exploit more than help.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:36 pm

They aren't in it for the people, I can tell you that much. There are good people in the NCR who just want to make things better, that is a fact. However, the NCR back in Cali don't really give a damn. If NCR loses the Dam, they just say [censored] it, not worth our time. Kimball isn't very popular as it is.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:08 am

They're in the Mojave for Hoover Dam.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:37 am

It's a bit of both, they want to expand their influence and ideals, but the resources to be gained helps motivate them aswell. Their impact tends to be positive, but it's not just out of the kindness of their hearts. The Wasteland is safer and more prosporous because of them, but you need to pay taxes and become a citizen to enjoy the benifits. However for the most part they are "good". People love to bash their leadership, but it's a democracy, Kimball will most likely lose the next election and then possibly things will change if the new person has any common sense or human decency.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:02 am

depends on who you ask. They say they bring democracy but mostly are in it for the resources
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:36 am

double post again i am so sorry
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:49 am

I'm not sure I understand the question

the NCR is a fairly new state, surrounded by frontier, prospering, growing, with a growing level of middle-class or atleast a growing level of prosperity and standard of living

it's manifest destiny plain and simple. There's always two sides to every story ofcourse so if you're inside the growing state you're happy and feel, by and large, that what the state is doing is right and good. If you're the guy getting swallowed up and seeing your way of life changing, then hey, doesn't feel so great
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:29 pm

Pretty obvious. They want to munch up every last bit of land they can find. How else are those corrupt senators back in Shady Sands gonna' keep themselves in fancy suits ;).
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:07 am

I'd say they're There to exploit, hence them accepting the Dam deal and not being terribly effective behind their battle lines...
but, the People of the NCR are trying to help. if you give them advice, diplomacy, or a good shouting at, in the end the NCR is helping more than its exploiting.
And helping in ways it can easily afford to is hardly something Kimball or General Oliver can complain about, really.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:59 am

Their in it for the land. They want to make it what America was before the great war.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:13 am

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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:06 am

They're there for their own selfish needs and nothing more.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:46 am

They're there for their own selfish needs and nothing more.

This precisely. Don't be romanticized by the theory that they are doing anything other. They are, however, very good at convincing the people that it is in their best interest.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:46 am

I believe the main reasons for NCR to come to the Mojave are lands and Hoover Dam. Expanding their ideals and "liberating" the wasteland is secondary to that. Still, I believe they bring more benefits than problems.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:44 pm

It's all about Hoover Dam. The NCR would still be in the Mojave even if there were no people there, so it's not about helping OR exploiting the people.

It's about getting hydro-electric power from Hoover Dam back to California.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:28 am

Hoover Dam= more power output #1 reason

They would have to swallow the mw into the NCR if they win fo nv.

The people on here that pretend taxes are bad don t understand what society is all about.

If they win fo nv all of the mw will be better off in the long run, but they went there for the Hoover Dam, and a city untouched by the warheads that scorched the rest of the earth.

That is what it says in the intro
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:21 pm

I voted to help the people of the mojave. Because they do help people. But they are there for expansion, conquest and power, which is fair enough. They came for Hoover Dam and New Vegas. But they don't hurt people under their rule.
They do help people and bring peace. No one will be hurt under their rule. They are as close to a prewar civilisation as you can get without the dark, sick, fascist and completely pchychotic part.

You can't expect a faction that big to be all nice. There are always people who have to do the dirty and nasty stuff, like scope out and deal with enemies and potenial enemies like Moore does. If you don't have people willing to make the hard choices you don't get anywere.

For a world were the prewar govournment, businesses and nearly every faction ever, apart from the Brotherhood Of Steel originaters the army, were dark, sick, fascist and completely pchychotic, the NCR are good. The only sane group in the records of the past were the mecha armoured divison who became the Brotherhood Of Steel. There are files in the citadel in F3.

It's a sick, dark world and the peoples nature won't change that much even in post apocolyptic times.
The NCR came out well and good considering how dark the world and overall nature of the people is.

Ultimately the NCR brings stability and peace. Which is what the settlements and towns are aiming for. They are all aiming for a way to not have to fight raiders all the time and live peacefully.

Independance is still best for the mw though.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:46 am

It should be worth noting that....

Let's say you make the most loyal NCR character possible. You follow all your orders, you never do anything to gain NCR infamy and you take every opportunity possible to gain NCR fame. If you follow this route:

-The BoS must be destroyed.
-The Followers can't be asked to support the NCR.
-The Khans can only be allied under very special circumstances, and technically Colonel Moore tells you she just wants them gone, so it's highly unlikely the Khans live.
-The people of Vault 34 will die
-Westside will suffer
-Only the Boomers and the Kings will be allied
-If you take initiative in Jacobstown and do the soldiers work for them (the soldiers are working for NCR senators, after all), the Enclave cannot be allied
-Enclave is hunted by NCR to begin with.

In short, part of what makes the NCR so "good" is actually the Courier. Yes, the NCR is good for being willing to negotiate, but my point is that they themselves are not the ones that take the initiative to start negotiations: it's the Courier. A 100% completely loyal NCR playthrough actually sees just as many people suffer as one would see when following Caesar or House, maybe even more. (Caesar will let Followers leave peacefully and the Khans are likely integrated rather than killed, Mr. House only has a problem with the BoS and possibly Freeside, no one else)
Feel free to give them credit for being more open-minded than the other factions, but peaceful by nature, they are not. They're there strictly because it profits them.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:06 pm

They are there to help the people of the Mojave. They may be in the Mojave for Hoover Dam, but the reason they want Hoover Dam in the first place is to help their own nation and the Mojave, which they know is the best hope for the wasteland. They know, as evidenced by people like Cass, that the NCR has some problems, but they also know that those problems arise out of having the best intentions, and the last hope for humanity at the heart. It's all about the greater good. They are well aware that they are unique and special in the wasteland, and they know it is their job to help repair the world. Anarchy and tyranny have no place on U.S. soil.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:58 pm

The only reason they help people is because they have to so they can exploit them,so while they are doing a little of both, its basicly to exploit them.The NCR is building an empire, and it will fall.When you study history, the NCR are more like the Empires of europe in the late 1800s/early-mid 1900s european powers/corporate America.They say they are spreading light and what not, when thats just to make it right.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:09 am

Pre War societies had its chance. Even if they want to help the Mojave, they have too much baggage with them. Senatorial infighting, corruption, the bribes etc. Crimson Caravan is a good example of said corruption. Oliver became General of Hoover Dam not because he is a great man, but because he knew the president. Is that what we want in a democracy? People jumping in line because they know somebody? Somebody who was fit for the job(Hsu) got denied.

Also, a lot of people dislike or hate the NCR. By default, the Kings,Legion,House,Powder Gangers,Followers,Khans,Brotherhood and some of the Remnants dislike NCR. They really aren't popular for good reason.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:44 am

Pre War societies had its chance. Even if they want to help the Mojave, they have too much baggage with them. Senatorial infighting, corruption, the bribes etc. Crimson Caravan is a good example of said corruption. Oliver became General of Hoover Dam not because he is a great man, but because he knew the president. Is that what we want in a democracy? People jumping in line because they know somebody? Somebody who was fit for the job(Hsu) got denied.

And Caesar knew that, he was a citizen of the NCR, which is why he created Caesar's Legion. It's really interesting when you think about it, and not just go "FOR AMERIKUHHH".
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:39 am

And Caesar knew that, he was a citizen of the NCR, which is why he created Caesar's Legion. It's really interesting when you think about it, and not just go "FOR AMERIKUHHH".

But the Roman Empire fell as well. Why not choose a totally different path if he thought pre war societies were bad.

Slavery, conquest be sheer force, and keeping order by killing have already been done and failed.

Everything will fail, because humans are not capable of governing themselves on a grand scale in anyway. It might work for hundreds of years, but sooner or later one way or another it will end badly.

In all reality small groups is probably the best way, because every one is more likely to have a say. The problem with that is they will be forced to fight with other small groups, or will be destroyed or swallowed up if a large group rolls through.

Humans are just incapable of toleranting each other for long derations.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:42 am

I d rather live under todays free worlds laws "Amehricuah" may be the most free civilised nation in the world, all of Europe and many other nations are very close. Owning fire arms, and the kinds of fire arms we can own may be the only thing that sets us apart from the rest of the free world. I d rather live in any other nation in todays free world than live under cl rule. That is why NCR is better in my mind.

Not because they are like "AHMURHICUAH", but they are like the free world of today, which is still hanging on.

"Keep on rockin in a free world" - Neil Young
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:18 am

I believe the main reasons for NCR to come to the Mojave are lands and Hoover Dam. Expanding their ideals and "liberating" the wasteland is secondary to that. Still, I believe they bring more benefits than problems.

I like your idea.

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