Mount Swim Animations

Post » Tue May 28, 2013 3:00 pm

Just curious if anyone ever found a workaround for the glitch with custom mounts where your character will do the swim animation when your (bear, cat, wolf, etc.) mount enters the water.

I was following some guide a while back on using NIFSkope to copy branches for the riding node from a horse .NIF to a certain point in the skeleton for your custom mount, and it worked, I could get the player to get on their bear/cat/wolf/etc. mount and use it like any horse.

The problem I was getting is the above. Whenever you go into the water on said custom mount, the player no longer appears to be riding and instead, seems to float a few feet above the swimming mount, swimming in mid air!

I'm still messing with some settings but I don't see any search results as to whether anyone has solved this.

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Zosia Cetnar
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