Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you enjoyed the mod.
And thanks for rating it, not too many people bother with it... apparently less than one minute of their time is asking too much (and since they already need to be registered at TES Nexus to download it, what's the problem really?).
Here's my own personnal perception about this fact that many forget or don't make the effort to come back and rate. I've noticed that most ratings are done after descriptions and pictures. There are some mods that render CTDs or contain bugs, but are rated as 10 because of this animation or that sixy armor or that video on Youtube or this complete Web site for the mod (ephemeral/impulsive visual perceptions, or judging the marketing/synergy effort surrounding a mod, while the mod itself can be somewhat drab or common), whereas other mods work perfectly but get lower ratings. eg quest mods that don't necessarily add new meshes/textures and such, even though they bring depth to the lore and hours of pleasant
gaming experience - as such,
getting high rates is much more difficult when a quest mod is involved, than for a mod adding some new visuals or functionalities to the game... It looks like the modding community criterias for judging a mod, are quite different from the rpg gamers and user stand point...
... In brief: people can't just rate a mod right away (although many do so, especially when talking about new visual items since these can be judged right away from the pictures - that's what we think, until wee actually try it). Personally I'll do it after having completed the "tour"
along my game playing experience, which is a little bit more than just installing the mod and going there right away to "judge". For example I've installed your mod 1 week ago, but I haven't got there yet for all sorts of reasons
... One can thus understand why many forget to come back and rate, or even to just remember about this, it's not just a matter of taking "
one minute of our time"... It's more like "
oh that's the house from that mod... WHat was its name again? Let's track down the file I've downloaded, see it's name for a search on TESNexus, then go there and add my rating..." (especially when the house in question is not kept even though it can be very nice or represents a huge amount of dev. hours).
In the end, I don't give much credibility to ratings. I've seen extremely well designed mods working without any flaws, but get ratings of 8-9.5, whereas other mods that
look good, are well presented or are developed by this or that particular modder, get the highest rating even though they have bugs or are just plain common to play with.... Who would be the best modder or what would be the best mod in regards to ratings? Impossible to tell the way it is, which is why I don't give much credit to ratings... Unless I'd be rating the sale's effort, not the mod itself.