That picture looks awesome! I would love to see Dagoth Ur as a much bigger mountain instead of the hill that it currently is. Looking forward to your progress, PirateLord.
I agree, I think it's because on this one Caldera mine/vent stands out a lot more then in all the others, even Vality has made this area stand out a lot more, and TBH, that horseshoe shape really does need buffing when viewed with MGE.
Since I'm using maths to manipulate the heightmap, I'm adjusting my calculation to give a little extra "umph" to things of the height of Caldera, should be taller, without distorting everything else too much. Red mountain base may also be a bit bulkier as a result. Will have to wait till tomorrow to see that this change looks like.
I die a little inside whenever I see a Vality screenshot... They're beautiful, but you never know if you'll have a chance to experience the mods in your own install. I'm pretty sure someone was looking for some sharp rock meshes like the ones you used, so a resource pack would be extremely appreciated

Agreed, Valitys screenshots are always amazing. True dedication to the game and serious artistic talent shown in all of them.
Even if Vality doesn't release that work to Vvardenfells landscape to the community, I hope the meshes will be released for use.