Thanks Spiffy, now some screenshots minus blight storms
Rope bridge removed, replaced with a dwemer bridge. Unfortunately in taking these screenshots, I encountered a landscape error, and my Dagoth Ur cell went all screwed, I must have hit on the limits on the landscape design, so I had to reimport that cell, which reset a bit of the landscaping in this screenshot area - damn...
Distant land texture has turned some of the landscape slightly green - very odd! There will be a cliff/rocky path to get to that daedric ruin at the back, currently there is a big hole where there used to be a footpath.
Dagoth Ur facility, with missing land :S Distant land really shows up the change in the landscape by just changing a few rock meshes.
This sheer cliff used to be a footpath

There's no way I can get a foot path up that area using the landscape, so I'm thinking about facing that sheer edge with meshes, and putting a door there to a tunnel system that goes up to the top of the cliff.
I know it's my mod, and I can do what i like

but what do you guys think?