Mountains you can't climb?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:25 am

I'm not one of those who carp on every Bethesda alleged miscue, I love Bethesda. I'm concerned about the following:

Mountains you can't climb. That's like the rest of the game world, nice to look at, don't touch. Yes, you can find a trail, you can even climb down, but not up, and that hurts.

Acrobatics and Chameleon gone? What's this? An attack by purists who thought these things undignified or 'unfair'? You didn't have to use them if you did not choose to. For those of us who did, they were wonderful. Chameleon allowed persons who were not as hardcoe to complete the Dark Brotherhood quest line. What is wrong with that? Acrobatics was simply a wonderful in-game experience, the next best thing to being there. I'm not a technical person- is there any reason acrobatics or in general climbing is not allowed? Same with the magic spells- instead of a wheel of choices, there's a list and one on each hand. Was this done out of neccesity or was it actually someone's choice? There were mountain ranges in Oblivion but you could find a less steep entry; in Morrowind you can levitate. In Skyrim? What is the point of living in the mountains if one cannot climb them?

The guild quest lines appear to be shorter, and I think that is a mistake. I feel as if I'm getting the cream without the body, the icecream after the meal without the meal. Two quests or so and one is in the inner circle of the companions. That leaves a lot out. Is it possible people actually complained about the length of guild quests? Why not just start the game and be crowned Emperor?

What's 's left? Well, it's still Elder Scrolls. It's a wonderful huge world, the music is inspiring and matches the vistas well. That is a big something left, don't get me wrong, but I'm worried about the direction Skyrim is taking us. By the 6th or 7th Elder Scroll lighting a campfire will be 'magic'.

Are there any technical reasons some skills would be limited with the current engine?

The elder scrolls are my 'home' game. What has been achieved is memorable. Nothing stays the same, we know that, but I'm worried Bethesda is tettering on the edge of losing some of the magic which brought them and (us) here.

I hope Bethesda brings acrobatics and much of the missing magic back. Could this be done with additional content?
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Mistress trades Melissa
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:41 am

I've bunny hopped my way to victory up every mountain I've encountered, except TTOTW.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:06 am

Agreed on the guild quest lines, disagree on the mountain thing (I can climb them). Ambiguous on the system redesign.
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Ria dell
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:32 am

Horses are good at climbing mountains.

But I miss being able to jump from building to building with my Khajiit named Tigger
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Thomas LEON
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