Yes, but if were talking realisticly, a man on a horse is naturally more powerful then one without a horse.
You attacking a man without a horse is just as overpowered as a man on a horse attacking you, this will make horses more then just slaves of transportation, hopefully they also add saddlebags?
That would be nice, and also remember you cant bring horses in caves and places like that, so you cant really be overpowered when you would need it most.

But I believe they had to take more time to work on the combat AI so that the enemies would be able to take you down while on a horse.
For instance, while Mount & Blade has awesome horse combat mechanics, the AI is poor when trying to fight you on a horse.
They will keep running after you, even if they're mounted. So you can just circle around them, crossbow in hand, shooting until they die.
If foot-based enemies want to take you down, they'd have to use strategies such as waiting until you pass close to flank you, hiding behind a tree and hitting the horse as it passes by, etc.
So they probably didn't have the time to revamp this.
Plus, without spears, killing mounted units would be pretty hard!