So I play on super hard and Moutian Lions are seriously near one hit killers. I am so scared of random death that now no mater where I am I jump on a rock as soon as I hear the music. Does anything other than a mountian lion instill this type of fear in anyone?
It depends on your character. If your a mage like my self. Summon +Invisibility. Or Paralyze + Destruction Magic. If you don't really use magic, such as a pure thief or warrior, there are other methods. As a thief, perhaps one that uses a bow, try getting a bow with a paralyze enchantment. This way you can at least paralyze them and run away, if not kill them while they are paralyzed. Just keep in mind that there are methods available to you that help you avoid taking damage, take advantage of them. HECK even if you are a thief, have a paralyze staff ready. Same goes for warrior with the staff. Also as a warrior maybe enchant some of your armor with things that help you take more damage or negate the amount of damage you take. Examples of this are enchanting your armor with shield or reflect spell enchantments. Or even fortify endurance to raise you HP. Enchant your weapon with something that reduces the damage the lion deals, such as a damage or even drain strength enchantment. Drain strength is especially good for warriors, as it not only reduces the damage the enemy will deal, but will increase your damage output simultaneously.
Hope this helps a little bit, if you have questions about enchanting feel free to ask.