Hi guys im lately having a big problem which makes the game bearly playable.
When I start playing Skyrim, the mous is not "trapped in the game", it just leaves the game and goes to my second monitor.
When this happens and I click, because I want to shoot and arrow for example, the game minimizes. This frustrates the hell out of me.
Ofc I can just shutdown the other monitor but this is not rly what I want.
When I installed the second monitor a couple of months ago, Skyrim had no problems, now, after a break of like 2 months this happened.
I reinstalled Skyrim completely, removed all mods ( I only have like 7 or 8 Mods) and nothing helped
Both screens are running 1920x1080 at 60Herz
My grafic card: GeForce GTX 260 with 8Gb
My pc is running Windos 7 64bit home premium
Dxdiag says that I have DirectX 11 installed.
Hope someone can help me with this one because no one could before.
(Hope my english was ok, it's not my native language)