Who is interested in this. Maybe if the devs read this and see a lot of support they will add it in post launch. I think that, since the PS3 supports this option, it should be included. At least for the single player campaign it should be included...I know what kind of a hassle it would be to split servers for controller and mouse and keyboard players but I think that this feature would boost sales because PC players who don't have a good pc and like to play with mouse and keyboard would play on the PS3. I don't see how a simple feature would hurt anyone.
Anyway...I think I saw a topic like this long ago but it's either closed or heavily buried. I have emailed crytek about the issue and if there is a lot of support for this and a demo on ps3 I would email them the links to these topics too.
The single player portion of the game should get support for it. My PC is incapable of playing Crysis 2 (according to the minimum specs) so it'd be good to play with a K&M on PS3.
I like the idea however, in the end its completely up to them and i''ll stand by their decision seeing as how launch is very near and that they might already be working on larger problems.
Yea i would email it to get extra attention. You think they check most of the topics on here. The devs prob only check the important topics and only when alerted by admins or something. Would it hurt them if I email them the links? I wouldn't care if it was even added post release. Also they could add matchmaking for keyboard and mouse to the game post launch also. Wouldn't be that big of a deal. It's perfect, these guys began on the pc why not add this feature.
If they don't, i still have a converter for the ps3 that lets me play games with mouse and keyboard. It doesn't work 100% like a mouse on pc but it's almost perfect I just think that other ps3 players would appreciate it.
Crytek actually reads a lot more than you think they do, they are not like other companies that mostly ignore their own community. That's nice, but how do you know that?
Crytek actually reads a lot more than you think they do, they are not like other companies that mostly ignore their own community. That's nice, but how do you know that?
Umm... I have been on Crytek's forum boards since Far Cry in 2004, thats how.
It still wouldn't hurt to bring it to there attention though. I can't see the trouble to bring mouse and keyboard controls to Ps3 at least for single player. They can make matchmaking for m/kb players but i can see where that would be a pain for them to do. Unreal tournament 3 did it and killzone is doing it with move support. I think if Crytek did it more people would see Crytek as the rarely genuine devs that they are and have been since far cry.
playstation move support for PS3's edition of crysis 2 & yes there are plenty of playstation 3 owners that like using the playstation move in games & i will continue to post this request until crytek gives in to it.
Ummm.... If u want kb + mouse support then why you dont buy crysis 2 on PC?
Well it's not that hard i don't have a pc that will run it and ps3 supports in game mouse and keyboard controls so i would like it added so i could play how i want on my ps3.
Ummm.... If u want kb + mouse support then why you dont buy crysis 2 on PC?
I have a gaming pc (i spent almos 2500 euros on it) but on my ps3 i have a bigger HD monitor, so i'll like to play crysis 2 on my ps3... I really hope thet crysis 2 will support kb and mouse on ps3
Using a keyboard mouse on console is like using a cheat.If keyboard /mouse implementation was legal then nobody would play with a controller and then the term console would not exist.Console goes with a controller .Making the devs using filters for hardware recognition is a long discussion. U must understand that u bought a console and not a pc .So asking for features that the console designers dont want u to have is contradictive.Also putting filters on kb/mouse and controllers splits the game community and makes it unfair for those who cant afford kb/mouse