I would like somebody to help me.
After installing disc 2 (DLCs) of GOTY edition my mouse stops working but only in main menu and pipboy menu. I can still play the game and move around using mouse normally. Mouse buttons seem to be working too because when i turn on the pipboy map using keyboard, i can add or remove markers. Everything else seems to be working.
I have been playing till level 20 with no DLC and everything worked fine except random freezes which i ignore. I tried tampering with fallout.ini and tried changing " bBackground Mouse=0 " entry to '1' but it seems that '0' is the default value even before the DLC install. If i change it to '1' my mouse works in menu/pipboy, but as soon as i click something, game minimizes and after alt-tabbing it back again, my mouse does not work.
i would not post this if i can work around the problem, but mouse is essential for use with the map. if there is an alternative way of using the map, i would like to hear it.
win7 pro x64 sp1 (i tried putting compatibility to vista sp2)
AMD Phenom II x4 955
nVidia GTX 560ti
thank you