Mouse/Keyboard vs Gamepad Aim-Assist OFF

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:28 am

Earlier I made a thread on mouse / keyboard vs Controller.
Everyone was complaining that the only reason I do good with a controller is because it has aim assist...

I did two videos, in the 1st I play with aim-assist ON.
And in the 2nd video I play with aim-assist OFF.

Aim-Assist OFF:

Aim-Assist ON:

Surprisingly, I did considerably better with aim-assist OFF. Earning myself a gunship! :D
I even scored MVP in both games, however in my Aim-Assist off game I joined in whilst the game was ongoing, and still snatched the MVP from the other gamers who had been playing longer then me!

So, mouse/keyboard fans, do you still want to trash my precious controller? Do you really think it's bad? Do you? I'm not trying to trash your precious setups... I'm just trying to say that the controller is a worthy piece of equipement, and you should not look down upon gamepad players.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:01 pm

You are a hero :)

I do well with both setups as well. With aim assist off.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:42 am

You are a hero :)

I do well with both setups as well. With aim assist off.
Thanks for the positive feedback! It's nice to see others who support the controller as well :)
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Danny Blight
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:25 pm

You are a hero :)

I do well with both setups as well. With aim assist off.
Thanks for the positive feedback! It's nice to see others who support the controller as well :)

Yeah, I'm mainly a console player, but I play games like Battlefield 2/2142 on PC. Although I have to use a M+KB for that, I've tried games that support gamepads (like Crysis 2 demo) with my PS3 controller (using a DLd Mod), turned aim assist off every time and I do just as well as the other players, even sometimes better.

It svcks when we get degenerated by PC players for using a gamepad.
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Miss K
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:24 am

Wow, you compared one game to one game. Not much of a sample size.

Most likely you just got lucky, people played worse, caught more people off guard, etc.

You cant compare assist on and assist off 1 game vs 1 game. go play 20 games with each and then compare. Too many variables to consider doing 2 games total rofl.

some people just dont think.
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:52 pm

Wow, you compared one game to one game. Not much of a sample size.

Most likely you just got lucky, people played worse, caught more people off guard, etc.

You cant compare assist on and assist off 1 game vs 1 game. go play 20 games with each and then compare. Too many variables to consider doing 2 games total rofl.

some people just dont think.

Well excuse me if the Crysis 2 Demo doesn't have full game history.
I place withing top 10% of every game I play, mostly I place first place and score MVP.

If you dont believe me, I'm happy to play with you online and prove it.

It's not like I have time to record a billion videos of my gameplay... *sigh*
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:24 pm

Wow, you compared one game to one game. Not much of a sample size.

Most likely you just got lucky, people played worse, caught more people off guard, etc.

You cant compare assist on and assist off 1 game vs 1 game. go play 20 games with each and then compare. Too many variables to consider doing 2 games total rofl.

some people just dont think.

Well excuse me if the Crysis 2 Demo doesn't have full game history.
I place withing top 10% of every game I play, mostly I place first place and score MVP.

If you dont believe me, I'm happy to play with you online and prove it.

It's not like I have time to record a billion videos of my gameplay... *sigh*

but the whole point of your thread is useless by playing 2 games, 1 on each setting.

Thats great you do well, im just saying your logic behind this thread is incredibly flawed. Besides, WHO CARES how you do with it on vs off? Play with whatever you want. If you think people care, then do your little study properly instead of posting some bogus 1 game vs 1 game comparison which really doesnt give your conclusion much credibility.

People arnt going to watch all your videos anyways, just play the game and record your scores in excel. or take screenshots.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:53 am

Where do I start.

First of all your comparison means nothing because as said its one game compared to one game. Its also you selecting the presented footage which means you can essentially control the outcome of your "proof" further making your point baseless. Its like someone posting a montage and claiming thats how they play all the time.

Whats even more stupid is you actually compare yourself playing two different gamemodes. You are playing Crash Site and playing for the objective in one video and playing TIA in the other.

Seriously ive had better games than you playing with the M+KB.. would it mean anything if I posted a video of me going 29-0? Of course it wouldnt.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:13 am

I think most people are missing the point, M+K is more accurate but you can overcome that with well thought out strategy when you use a controller. Crysis 2 does something that few shooters have done before it, places strategy and tactics above execution, most games like CoD, CS, Unreal, Quake, ect have a heavier emphasis on out shooting your opponent instead of out maneuvering. It's going to sound weird but I feel like Crysis 2 has more in common with a fighting game than a shooter, spacing and misdirection feel way more important than just pure accuracy at least to me.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:18 am

but the whole point of your thread is useless by playing 2 games, 1 on each setting.

Thats great you do well, im just saying your logic behind this thread is incredibly flawed. Besides, WHO CARES how you do with it on vs off? Play with whatever you want. If you think people care, then do your little study properly instead of posting some bogus 1 game vs 1 game comparison which really doesnt give your conclusion much credibility.

People arnt going to watch all your videos anyways, just play the game and record your scores in excel. or take screenshots.

What is your problem? I'm not assaulting anyone here.
The only reason I made these videos was because my word was not good enough for people.

I know that these videos are not sufficient either, all I have to offer are these videos, my word... And if you want to play with me I can show you how I do.

I'm doing the best I can to satisfy peoples needs for evidence. I spend 4 hours just rendering these videos and uploading them to youtube.

Your not the one here actually spending time to prove me wrong, rather you have made up your mind already. No matter what I would do, you would say that I'm an idiot.

I'm trying really hard to actually prove something. You are doing NOTHING to prove that you are right.
And instead of constructive critisicm that could be open for debate, you offer your opinion as if it were fact.

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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:01 am

That gamepad seems to have really good sensitivity o_O. It's a lot better then i thought, i give u that. But still, m+k combo is the perfect setup for accuracy and reactions. Not as big difference to the controller as i initially thought, but still better by a mile. I would love to see you play counterstrike on that controller, i would make a better idea of how sensitive and precise it is.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:16 pm

You're good with a controller, gratz :)

I'm good with a controller too, but with a kb+m i can dominate.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:16 pm

That gamepad seems to have really good sensitivity o_O. It's a lot better then i thought, i give u that. But still, m+k combo is the perfect setup for accuracy and reactions. Not as big difference to the controller as i initially thought, but still better by a mile. I would love to see you play counterstrike on that controller, i would make a better idea of how sensitive and precise it is.

I do admit that the keyboard / mouse setup is good and in general it might be better for the average player over a controller. However I do think that once you master using either one, you can do extremely well no matter what input device you use.

It's still the same amount of bullets you have to pepper into your enemies, no matter what device you are using to control your player.

ps. I've never played CS, I'll give it a go and see how it works. I'm playing on an Xbox 360 controller, propably held that thing more in my life then slept.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:37 am

You are very skilled, I give you that, but play with an actual mouse and keyboard and you will see what people are talking about. In the first vid, even though the camera doesn't snap to other targets, you can clearly see significantly less bullet spread. I have no problem locking onto targets with my mouse, but most of the time my bullets fly who the hell knows where. That's even while sitting still and crouching, and even doing short bursts to reduce cone of fire (which you did not do).

They really need to remove all coding involving giving the gamepad a slight edge, from the snapping cam to the reduced bullet spread.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:51 pm

You are very skilled, I give you that, but play with an actual mouse and keyboard and you will see what people are talking about. In the first vid, even though the camera doesn't snap to other targets, you can clearly see significantly less bullet spread. I have no problem locking onto targets with my mouse, but most of the time my bullets fly who the hell knows where. That's even while sitting still and crouching, and even doing short bursts to reduce cone of fire (which you did not do).

They really need to remove all coding involving giving the gamepad a slight edge, from the snapping cam to the reduced bullet spread.

I had reduced bullet spread because of the "Aim Enhance" nano-suit ability...
And is a Logitech G19+G9 Keyboard/mouse setup an "actual mouse and keyboard" setup? ;-)
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Erin S
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:52 pm

I do admit that the keyboard / mouse setup is good and in general it might be better for the average player over a controller. However I do think that once you master using either one, you can do extremely well no matter what input device you use.

Don't believe im biased or anything, it's just better. Initially i thought the difference is huge, but after seeing u play, i've changed that opinion to just "significantly better". And yes, once u master one u will do more then fine but if talking about best of the best in a game that requires the sharpest of aiming and reflexes, there is no contest to m+k.

It's still the same amount of bullets you have to pepper into your enemies, no matter what device you are using to control your player.

It's not how much u shoot, it's how precise u do it and how quickly. I do agree it's FAR better then i thought to play with a gamepad.

ps. I've never played CS, I'll give it a go and see how it works. I'm playing on an Xbox 360 controller, propably held that thing more in my life then slept.
Asked u to play CS cause it's the most demanding FPS in terms of aiming and reflexes, it's the most competitive shooter ever made, going since 1999 and still the biggest esport (right up there with starcraft). And i advice u to play CS 1.6 (10 euros on steam). It might be outdated graphics wise compared to CS:S, but it is a lot better balanced. Although CS:S is more then fine also if u get it. There is no other game on this planet that makes u feel as good as CS does for landing head shots.

Witness, best of the best:

CS1.6 -> or (+ old times: & part 1 and 2)

CS:S -> or

Choose any one of this to watch and see the maximum accuracy achieved! U just can't do stuff like this with a gamepad, as impresive as u looked playing with it.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:13 am

Witness, best of the best:

CS1.6 -> or (+ old times: & part 1 and 2)

CS:S -> or

Choose any one of this to watch and see the maximum accuracy achieved! U just can't do stuff like this with a gamepad, as impresive as u looked playing with it.

The problem with montages like these is that in most of them, the movement has been edited so that it fast forwards your turns. In one of the videos, it wasn't even fast-forwarded but rather the stuff was cut out between the first burst and the 2nd burst...

Full gameplay videos are the only true way to anolyze skill, montage videos don't really do.

Heck, you can search up console game montages for games like Halo and see excactly similiar results, why ist this? It's because the people play a thousand games, and in a few of those games they manage to get a few good looking montage kills. Then they pile them up and make something that is out of the norm and unreal.
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Hilm Music
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:30 pm

this is good news. maybe if you tell this to microsoft, they let us play with consoles!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:35 am

Crysis 2 can be played with a controller more easily from other games cause guns dont have recoil at all.Try playing cs for example and u ll see how the keyboard mouse outperforms the controller.Also quake and unreal needs strict aiming and strafe abilities more than any other game out there.See how cooller strafes in quakelive he is the best .He hasnt the best accuracy from the pro players but his strafe is insane and ends up delivering more dmg in many situtations.He is a strafe god!That is skill!Crysis 2 has no strafe at all and low to zero recoil makes the game so easy to shoot .Ive been playing quakelive and ut2k4 from the start so i know what im talking about.These are the real spectacular games where weapon handling ,movement-strafing and brains are all combined to get u a win
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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:01 am

Earlier I made a thread on mouse / keyboard vs Controller.
Everyone was complaining that the only reason I do good with a controller is because it has aim assist...

I did two videos, in the 1st I play with aim-assist ON.
And in the 2nd video I play with aim-assist OFF.

Aim-Assist OFF:

Aim-Assist ON:

Surprisingly, I did considerably better with aim-assist OFF. Earning myself a gunship! :D
I even scored MVP in both games, however in my Aim-Assist off game I joined in whilst the game was ongoing, and still snatched the MVP from the other gamers who had been playing longer then me!

So, mouse/keyboard fans, do you still want to trash my precious controller? Do you really think it's bad? Do you? I'm not trying to trash your precious setups... I'm just trying to say that the controller is a worthy piece of equipement, and you should not look down upon gamepad players.

Most players in that demo have **** FPS from 30-40 so u are more than likely end up in a match full of dual-core players and the usual newbies.

I can already see you have VERY good PC-SPEC which means you have very good advantage against these type of players. This demo is just a console port thats why so many people have trouble with FPS even with a 6 core cpu.

Sorry to tell u bro but KB+M is the best for FPS games.

btw 60 + fps is standard and very important in FPS games.

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Trista Jim
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:24 am

this is good news. maybe if you tell this to microsoft, they let us play with consoles!

I'm very sure most real PC gamers dont want to play with console kids.
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Big mike
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:56 pm

Earlier I made a thread on mouse / keyboard vs Controller.
Everyone was complaining that the only reason I do good with a controller is because it has aim assist...

I did two videos, in the 1st I play with aim-assist ON.
And in the 2nd video I play with aim-assist OFF.

Aim-Assist OFF:

Aim-Assist ON:

Surprisingly, I did considerably better with aim-assist OFF. Earning myself a gunship! :D
I even scored MVP in both games, however in my Aim-Assist off game I joined in whilst the game was ongoing, and still snatched the MVP from the other gamers who had been playing longer then me!

So, mouse/keyboard fans, do you still want to trash my precious controller? Do you really think it's bad? Do you? I'm not trying to trash your precious setups... I'm just trying to say that the controller is a worthy piece of equipement, and you should not look down upon gamepad players.

Most players in that demo have **** FPS from 30-40 so u are more than likely end up in a match full of dual-core players and the usual newbies.

I can already see you have VERY good PC-SPEC which means you have very good advantage against these type of players. This demo is just a console port thats why so many people have trouble with FPS even with a 6 core cpu.

Sorry to tell u bro but KB+M is the best for FPS games.

btw 60 + fps is standard and very important in FPS games.

I am BC2 Vet here and you can win most gun fights even IF you do not have 60 FPS. I get 30 to 40 **** and still do not feel I have disadvantage. In games like COD and CS yes you need those 60 FPS but battlefield and this Crysis 2 MP you do not NEED those FPS. Sure they help but 30 FPS your good since that is what they targeted for intended FPS.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:32 am

Most players in that demo have **** FPS from 30-40 so u are more than likely end up in a match full of dual-core players and the usual newbies.

I can already see you have VERY good PC-SPEC which means you have very good advantage against these type of players. This demo is just a console port thats why so many people have trouble with FPS even with a 6 core cpu.

Sorry to tell u bro but KB+M is the best for FPS games.

btw 60 + fps is standard and very important in FPS games.

Hahahaha! Guess what? I'm one of those dual core noobs! I even use DDR 2! :O
Not to mention a 32 bit operating system! :O :O !!!

My games run around 40fps, I play Halo @ 30 FPS so for me 40fps is okay.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:05 pm

Crysis 2 has no strafe at all and low to zero recoil makes the game so easy to shoot .Ive been playing quakelive and ut2k4 from the start so i know what im talking about.These are the real spectacular games where weapon handling ,movement-strafing and brains are all combined to get u a win

It may be hard for you guys to believe this. But recoil is considerably easier to control on a controller!

With a controller you can keep your thumbstick steadily in a position so you keep aiming down as you shoot, and your aim stays the same. On a PC you would need to keep dragging your mouse down, which is not very convinient. At it's best you could run out of mousepad.

Play Halo 2 with dual-wielded SMG's on the mouse, I can tell you right now it will be practically impossible to shoot them with a mouse / keyboard setup.

With a controller you wont even notice that recoil.

Console games usually have more recoil then PC games, and I can tell this from experience over playing both platforms using both input devices for thousands of hours.

I'm pretty sure any other console gamer will agree, and you would agree too if you tried.
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alicia hillier
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:49 pm

I'm waiting for u to record ur self playing CS. I won't add any other comments until then.
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