Since I started playing skyrim on pc a few weeks ago, the lag of the mouse is driving me crazy. Both in menu's and in the game itself the mouse-cursor always is slowly in responding, and goes on when I already have stopped moving the mouse. I turned of V-sync in my GPU settings, changed god knows how many ini settings, but nothing seems to fix it. Is there anybody out there who knows how to finally solve this terrible problem? It simply makes it unplayable. I have played the game for the past few weeks with a controller, but I especially bought it for pc (I already had a ps3 copy) so I could play with keyboard and mouse. All help is welcome!
After googling for days/weeks I solved only the problem of lag in the 'escape menu' (hitting the esc button). The menu with magic, map etc. is still laggy, as is moving around in the gameworl itself with the mouse. I solved this on problem by adding iPresentInterval=0 to the skyrimprefs.ini file. Any tips how to fix the others are very welcome.
P.s. it's not my pc that can't handle the game. As I said: with a controller it plays fine.