Mouse lag stutter

Post » Sat May 03, 2014 6:50 am

Like a month ago I suddenly noticed (I don't remember noticing this before) that my mouse lagged stuttered quite a lot when the fps was lower. Not sure exact numbers, but probably when under 50 or 45 fps. Then, it stutters quite a lot.
I've tried all the usual things, like changing driver settings (yes I also have the fps capped). I know Skyrim is known for stuttering above 60 fps, but this appears to be the opposite... stutter at lower fps.

So, I was wondering if anyone knows any solution to this? I've searched the forums, and seen others having the same/similar problem, but no solution that has worked for me. Is there any mod for this? I know there are some stutter mods but don't remember which or if they truly work.

Appreciate any help.

I could mention that the only... eh "solution" that I've found is to lower my monitor resolution to 16xx instead of 19xx. Completely 60 fps all the time, no stutter at all. But I'd rather not lower the resolution. Perhaps I will have to though unless someone can help me find a good solution, because rather a slightly blurrier screen than a lag fest whenever I go into a more fps-intense area.

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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 4:47 pm

I dont know of a solution, never had the problem, but a possible avenue would be to rename your ini's bak-skyrim.ini etc and let the game launcher do its magic regenerating them for your system

Try the game out for a while and if it is fixed, see if there is anything unusual about your old settings that may cause it. Compare in Notepad++ or similar

I think the normal accepted good setting of having VSync enabled and capping your framerate to 60, there used to be a setting which early dabblers messed around with which was found to be bad for the mouse and framerates, that setting needs to remain at default but occasionally gets mentioned in ( for example .. ) ENB ini editing "advice" .. But I am damned if I can remember what the heck the setting was.

Hopefully my first suggestion will help, I dont dabble much with ini settings these days.

Edit : I think the ini setting I am thinking of is in Skyrimprefs.ini - [Display] iPresentInterval=0 - When Bethesda were doing official patches to the game, people were playing around with this claiming it solved some problems ( after much tweaking elsewhere ), the other half of the crowd said it made things worse, then an official patch came out which solved the problem people were fumbling for a fix for and made changing this setting do Bad Things ™ for some systems. Your symptoms sound familiar to this .. But my memory fails me on the detail.

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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 3:09 am

The two simple things to try first are Disabling the Gamepad and the Rumble, you can do this in the game options or the INI/Prefs files.

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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 4:29 am

Thanks for the reply. I did go back to old .inis to find a culprit, and as it turns out the "culprit" was the resolution. On 19xx resolution ... lag, on 16xx no lag at all. Most likely this is not a culprit at all, instead the reason it mattered is most likely because it affected the fps so much.

I also tried for instance resetting driver settings etc. None have worked. The strange thing is that as I mentioned, I don't ever remember having this problem before. Just one day about a month ago, suddenly, I started noticing it. Nothing at all was changed to the game then. The only thing I actually do remember changing around that time was some drivers that were installed then. There was an intel driver (which is useless because I got a good geforce), and a new gtx driver. Both are gone now (intel driver uninstalled, and a new nvidia driver upgrade has come). So while I at first this was the reason... I'm not sure now, since now that the drivers are gone, the problem still exist.

Those are already disabled in my .ini. I think the .ini is not the problem... but something else instead. I've ruled out driver settings too so I'm confused.

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Danny Warner
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 12:46 pm

The mention of Intel driver when you have an NVidia card .. Do you have a system which is an Optimus setup ?

( MoBo has Intel Integrated HD 3/4000 - And you have an NVidia card aswell .. Which the system is supposed to use appropriately )

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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 7:23 am

I just have a "normal" very good intel cpu, which has its own (pretty useless) graphics card. Uninstalled the drivers though, because who needs them... I don't need a useless side cpu graphics card when I got a powerful nvidia one.
But still, as I said, it was around the time I noticed that the drivers got installed that I also noticed the lag in-game.

Are there no anti-stutter mods that I've missed?

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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 3:24 pm

Well if it was an Optimus setup ..

Can you disable the Intel in the BIOS ( some BIOS will not allow you to do this ), if you can then there is no further confusion as to which graphics the system should be using ( although you may have confused what is already a complicated setup by undermining its drivers and removing the intel ones )

If you cant, you need to ensure your NVidia Profiles are set to use High Performance NVidia Graphics for your game ..
See this advice

Go down to the section "How do I view existing Optimus settings for a specific program?"

I mention the Launcher because if the machine is using Intel Integrated when for instance the Launcher is re-adjusting your settings .. They will be wrong for the actual game. So aswell as setting High performance for TESV.exe you also set it for SkyrimLauncher.exe

The above may solve the resolution confusion and effect it has on your FPS

( I had the same with my eldests new beast of a laptop, which until we found the above information was making performance for Skyrim a bit weak on what should be very nice performance )

Also : I know you are doing an ENB setup for SkyReal, so if the above is true .. You may also find the following link very nice to use the Wrapper version of ENB instead of the Injector -

Rename ENB d3d9.dll as d3d9Orig.dll, install that d3d9.dll and it auto chain loads d3d9Orig.dll and makes it work with an optimus setup which cannot be disabled in the BIOS .. Works a treat here :smile:

I have no advice for whether you ought to put back the drivers for the Intel side of the setup, but I do know it is very complex the way it integrates with your OS.

One thing that will confirm if yours was an Optimus setup .. That drop down selector in the NVidia options for High Performance or Intel Integrated, only becomes available for Optimus setups. So if you do have those options, you know you have Optimus.

Just ENBoost setup correctly for your machine can help with this.

Edit : Last tip for the Optimus stuff - If you do a clean install of NVidia drivers, those profiles you have lovingly set for NVidia High Performance for specific .exe's you browsed to find .. Get cleaned out. So a clean install of drivers, though recommended, becomes a pain in the proverbial for Optimus gamers.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 9:41 am

Apparently I don't have optimus after I uninstalled the intel drivers. I only have one display adapter in the device manager, my graphics card. For that reason there is no such section in the nvidia control panel.

I'll have to try the ENBoost... may be the best bet, thanks for the tip.

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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 7:08 pm

Ah well, sorry I did not help solve it, but at least you can be glad its not Optimus :smile:

( I am kind of in two minds about the idea, in theory it sounds good, in practice its a PITA )

Handing over to anyone who may have a clue ...
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 6:01 pm

I'll tell the results of ENBoost later. Even if it's not solved yet, thanks a lot for taking time to help. Truly appreciated.

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