Well if it was an Optimus setup ..
Can you disable the Intel in the BIOS ( some BIOS will not allow you to do this ), if you can then there is no further confusion as to which graphics the system should be using ( although you may have confused what is already a complicated setup by undermining its drivers and removing the intel ones )
If you cant, you need to ensure your NVidia Profiles are set to use High Performance NVidia Graphics for your game ..
See this advice http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2615/~/how-do-i-customize-optimus-profiles-and-settings%3F
Go down to the section "How do I view existing Optimus settings for a specific program?"
I mention the Launcher because if the machine is using Intel Integrated when for instance the Launcher is re-adjusting your settings .. They will be wrong for the actual game. So aswell as setting High performance for TESV.exe you also set it for SkyrimLauncher.exe
The above may solve the resolution confusion and effect it has on your FPS
( I had the same with my eldests new beast of a laptop, which until we found the above information was making performance for Skyrim a bit weak on what should be very nice performance )
Also : I know you are doing an ENB setup for SkyReal, so if the above is true .. You may also find the following link very nice to use the Wrapper version of ENB instead of the Injector - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33227/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D33227&pUp=1
Rename ENB d3d9.dll as d3d9Orig.dll, install that d3d9.dll and it auto chain loads d3d9Orig.dll and makes it work with an optimus setup which cannot be disabled in the BIOS .. Works a treat here
I have no advice for whether you ought to put back the drivers for the Intel side of the setup, but I do know it is very complex the way it integrates with your OS.
One thing that will confirm if yours was an Optimus setup .. That drop down selector in the NVidia options for High Performance or Intel Integrated, only becomes available for Optimus setups. So if you do have those options, you know you have Optimus.
Just ENBoost setup correctly for your machine can help with this.
Edit : Last tip for the Optimus stuff - If you do a clean install of NVidia drivers, those profiles you have lovingly set for NVidia High Performance for specific .exe's you browsed to find .. Get cleaned out. So a clean install of drivers, though recommended, becomes a pain in the proverbial for Optimus gamers.