Im trying to send NPC's to a marker location using the "MoveTo" command in a scripted spell. Just using the code -
Begin Scripteffectstart
Moveto CellMarker1
On a targeted spell works fine. However as I want multiple locations I would like a message box to come up with a list of options and then the NPC would be sent to the location you select, this is the part thats causing me some grief.
Heres my code....
Begin Scripteffectstart
Short Button
MessageBox "Send the NPC to which cell?......", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four"
Set button to GetButtonPressed
If ( button == 1 )
Moveto CellMarker1
Elseif ( button == 2)
Moveto CellMarker2
ElseIf ( button == 3)
Moveto CellMarker3
Nothing happenes. If I set the first button value to -1 then the NPC will go to the location which makes me think that the spell is being triggered before the message box even comes up....
Please Help!