Movie Remake Horror

Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:28 am

Two movies that I would absolutely hate to see redone are two of my favorite childhood movies- The Princess Bride and The Labyrinth (although maybe it wouldn't be bad to have a sequel Sarah now having a teenage daughter that Jareth comes after.....)

One movie that recently I thought might not be too bad to have an update is The Highlander with better special effects, more immortals in the storyline, and better sword fights. The basic story should stay the same though.

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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:07 am

The Labyrinth
yea i know this is a teenage girlie flick but i love the Labyrinth, if someone does remake i hope they go bankrupt :devil:
also agree with you on the highlander, just hope if they do remake it it doesnt end up the same way as Clash of the Titans
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Angus Poole
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Post » Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:19 pm

Citizen Kane directed by Micheal Bay.

Set two years before WW2 Charles Kane (played by Robert Downey Jr.) a media mogul is ambushed in his hotel by SA brownshirts for spreading anti nazi propaganda. In the ensuing firefight the nazis shoot up the hotel and Kane and his maid (an undercover British operative played by Uma Thurman) fight the nazis, the lobby f the hotel is destroyed in a bazooka blast and Kane save his maid by taking a blast of shrapnel for her. The maid guns down the remaining foes and as Kane lays dying he takes a snowglobe out of his shirt and screams Rosebud while firing his machine gun at more oncoming Nazis.

Uma bravely makes her way to France where she approaches Jerry Thompson (played by Matt Damon) an alcoholic disgraced American commando living in France and tells him about Kanes brave sacrifice. Jerry is shocked to hear of the atrocities of the Third Reich that have remained secret and that Kane was killed for speaking out against them, he decides he needs to see this for himself before trying to spread the word to his ex-commanding officers.
He goes undercover with Uma into Germany and arranges a rendovous with Kanes second wife (played by Meryl Streep) who is also an alcoholic who refuses to talk for fear of her life. She does however give him Doctor Walter Parks address, a scientist who worked with Kane on a mysterious project. Along the way Jerry witnesses to horrors of the Nazi regime and resolves to do all he can to get AMerica to teach these Nazis the power of Freedom, Liberty and the proud American way once he has found what Rosebud means.

Jerry goes to Walters house and finds it is being ransacked by Nazis. He engages in a firefight with them and singlehandedly kills them all, but one who he gives an american flag and tells to "Send Hitler my Regards".
He discovers via Walters diary that he raised Kane whom he found in the woods (via flashback scenes, Walter is played by Dustin Hoffman) the Nazi party greatly impeded Walters right due to his Jewish heritage causing him to do what he swore must never be done and begin operation Rosebud. He takes Kane on as his apprentice. Unfortunately the diary does not specify what Rosebud is.

Jerry finds a list of names on one of the dead Nazi officers and decides to find these people before the Nazis and travels across Berlin finding them. Mr Bernstein, played by Arnold Schwarxenneger (an aging demolitions expert), who was in charge of delivering Kanes paper via the underground, Jedediah Leiland (played by Johny Depp) Kanes childhood friend and sniper, Kanes first wife and Raymond (played by Patrick Stewart) Kanes bodyguard/butler. They go into hiding and tell Jerry about Kanes upbringing and early life and how he fought in the trenches with Hitler in WW1 and was close friends with the now evil Fuhrer, and rejected Hitlers offers of romance on account of not being homosixual. Hitler became enraged and cursed Kane and began to spread rumours of Kane approaching him. They hypothesise this is why Hitler hates Jews so much.

WHen the Third Reich began to rise Kane assembled a team and began to sabotage Nazi munitions factories and began his newspaper publishing firm. (montage of stuff blowing up and nazis getting shot.

Jerry and Kanes old team go around sabotaging nazi plans and eventually they intercept a patrl and discover Walter is alive and imprisoned. They break him out on a dangerous mission and Meryl STreep get s killed. FInding out that Uma and Kane were nt having an affair as she thought, she dies happy knowing that Kane will have her back in the next world.

Walter refuses to talk about Rosebud unless it is absolutely neccesarry. Meanwhile hitler having invaded Poland despite Jerry and his crews best efforts to stop the Nazis blames Englands secret service for the unexplained sabotage the Wehrmacht is suffering and declares war.

Jump forward a few years and Jerry and the team are the leading figures in the French Underground and despite Jerrys frequent radio messages the Americans are unwilling to join the war without something that will ensure victory. Walter still won't talk about Rosebud.

The war drags on. After hearing of the slaughter Russia is suffering Walter finally decides the loss of life has been so great he will work on Rosebud albeit in secrecy.
Jerry leaves the underground with a tearful goodbye and he and his team (sub-plot, Uma and Jerry get it on). They go to America where Walter begins his work. Jerry befriends a young navy officer named John Kennedy who is on shore leave who decides to leave the navy and join Jerrys band of warriors to his families dismay. Japan attacks Pearl Harbour and America goes to war. Jerry and the team(minus Walter, plus Kennedy) initiate a covert mission to Japan where they discover a factpry where giant robots are being built. Jerrys team blow it up, but not before a dramatic fight between Jerry and Hirohito who escapes in a rocket. Kennedy learns much about leadership on the mission and Jerry tells him on the way home he is proud of him and that he would be proud to call him his son. He also reprimands him for his womanisng ways and says he is such a good leader that he could rule countries and that women would be a distraction.

Fastforward to 1945, Hitler is dead, Kanes work is finished and he is a posthumous hero. Kennedy is the captain of an aircraft carrier. However the nation f Japan is dangerous despite losing their robotics factory. Beknowst to our heroes the Japanese had a secret underwater complex in the bay of Hiroshima where they are building a godzillabot. Fortunately Walter ahs completed his work. "Rosebud". The nuclear bomb.

He reveals it is named after a sled he made for Kane when he was a little boy. Kennedy wants to fly the plane to drop Rosebud on Hiroshima but Jerry dissuades him saying it would not do to have murder of so many on his conscious and that he would have plenty of time to play with nuclear weapons later, he allows his aircraft carrier to be the launcing zone of the bomber however.
While Jerry is flying over Hiroshima (with Uma ina fighter escorting his bomber) the Godzillabot erupts out of the water prompting Jerry to tell Uma to flee and dropping the bomb on the bot, The resulting blast destroys his plane.

Kennedy gives a speech in Jerry and Kanes memory aboard his aircraft carrier and they give them a 21 gun salute. The credits roll as the star spangled banner plays.
Been done already... Barbwire with Pamala Anderson is a direct adaption of the original.

Pam plays Bogart's role.

You may throw up in your mouth now.
XXX Parodies don't count

But not as horrifying as the Mad Max remake that's being made.
I wouldn't mind seeing a aged Max patrolling the outback, but Mel's not even in it.
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:01 am

Citizen Kane directed by Micheal Bay.
I'd watch the hell out of this.

By "two years before World War II" you mean 1939, right? Everyone knows World War II started on December 7, 1941.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:51 am

Coming in summer 2013...

Against all odds...

One man in love...

Must defend his nightclub...

From the growing Nazi threat...

Reminds me of the Hilary Duff 'Diary of Anne Frank' skit on Robot Chicken.

That it as absolutely horrifying...

But not as horrifying as the Mad Max remake that's being made.
Actually, I hear it's a whole new fourth installment. Or something like that. But what's his nuts who's playing in it is taking over as Max. Kind of svcks because after watching the past 3 with Mel playing Max, I just can't get into the idea of a new Mad Max without the real Max. :(
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:32 pm

I threw up in my mouth when I heard about the Red Dawn remake.

I would like Hollywood to leave all Mel Brooks movies alone.
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:42 am

I'd watch the hell out of this.

By "two years before World War II" you mean 1939, right? Everyone knows World War II started on December 7, 1941.
Micheal Bay is not bound by artistic constraints such as facts.
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jessica robson
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Post » Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:10 pm

By "two years before World War II" you mean 1939, right? Everyone knows World War II started on December 7, 1941.

Not sure if serious, etc...
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:46 am

I'm not a fan of movie remakes in general. What, just because a movie is thirty or sixty years old it is somehow contamined with disease and you can't watch it?
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:31 am

Not sure if serious, etc...
not serious.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:28 am

not serious.

Cool. Sometimes it's hard to tell without copious smileys etc.

Back to films, I wonder what's the shortest amount of time before someone's attempted a remake?
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:47 am

I agree about never remaking "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", In fact they should never remake any Clint Eastwood movie. Maybe "Kelly's Heros", which was great, and Clint had the title role, but it was more an ensemble movie, so I'm okay if they want to remake that one.

Also agree about not remaking 2001: A Space Odyssey - because it's perfect to begin with, including the graphics which is amazing considering when it was made.

Godfather moves (I and II -- I don't recognize III as a Godfather movie) also not suitable for remakes.

Oh and one most of the Humphrey Bogart movies (Casablanca and Maltese Falcon in particular) are too good to remake.
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:44 am

Cool. Sometimes it's hard to tell without copious smileys etc.

Back to films, I wonder what's the shortest amount of time before someone's attempted a remake?
Probably the Spiderman one.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:18 am

I agree about never remaking "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", In fact they should never remake any Clint Eastwood movie. Maybe "Kelly's Heros", which was great, and Clint had the title role, but it was more an ensemble movie, so I'm okay if they want to remake that one.

Without Donald Sutherland and Telly Savalas? Noooooo!
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:42 am

Without Donald Sutherland and Telly Savalas? Noooooo!
Donald Sutherland would look more or less the same as he did in Kellys Heroes with hair dye.

Cool. Sometimes it's hard to tell without copious smileys etc.
lack of a punchline also adds difficulty.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:39 am

Disclaimer - making similar plotted/genre films (or outright rip-offs) is fine, but in terms of official remake:

Do Not Touch:
--The Outlaw Josey Wales
--Shawshank Redemption
--Princess Bride
--Clockwork Orange
--Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
--Field of Dreams

...I think a movie shouldn't even be considered for a remake unless it's at least 100 years old. :P

The most recent remake that horrified me was The Great Gatsby. Not so much because I don't think the novel source material couldn't be filmed better than the Redford (or other) film version, but because I saw a long preview for the new one, and it looked like total mulepuke. I was...well...horrified.
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:23 am

Donald Sutherland would look more or less the same as he did in Kellys Heroes with hair dye.

Hmm, true, that's a point. Still no Kojak, though...
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:56 am

Oh! Forgot one ... Cool Hand Luke. That hasn't been remade yet, has it?

It's tough when a film is based on a book or something, because generally that means it should be open to new interpretations, but ... I really don't want to see a new Cool Hand Luke. Paul Newman is Lucas Jackson forever.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:02 am

I'm not a fan of movie remakes in general. What, just because a movie is thirty or sixty years old it is somehow contamined with disease and you can't watch it?

No special effects or pop culture references? Off to the remake studio!
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:33 am

No special effects or pop culture references? Off to the remake studio!

Too much story, too. That sort of thing gives you brain leprosy and should be eradicated.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:20 am

Too much story, too. That sort of thing gives you brain leprosy and should be eradicated.

Replace it with explosions. Make sure they're in slow-motion.
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Post » Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:17 pm

Star Wars (4 to 6)
The Terminator
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