Yes --- you need to make a few adjustments in the Oblivion.ini file to tell it where and how big to draw the window !!
The settings you need to adjust are under the Display category and are :
iLocation Y=0
iLocation X=0
bFull Screen=1
iSize W=1680
iSize H=1050
Location Y is how many pixels down from the top left side of the screen to start the window
Location X is how many pixels in from the top left side of the screen to start the window
bFull Screen is whether or not to use full screen mode ( 0 = windowed mode)
iSize W is the width of the window to draw
iSize H is the height of the window to draw
so lets say you have a 1680 x1050 screen (this is what I have) but you want to play in a window centered on the screen but 1440x900 in size.
the settings would be as follows :
iLocation Y= 75 : ((1050 - 900) = 150 --- divided by 2 (so the same # of blank pixels on each side) = 75 )iLocation X= 120 : ((1680 - 1440)= 240 --- divided by 2 = 120)bFull Screeen=0
use windowed mode)iSize W = 1440
draw a 1440 pixel width window)iSize H = 900
draw a 900 pixel height window)
When launched this would create a 1440 x 900 pixel window to be drawn 120 pixels in and 75 pixels down from the top left of the screen leaving 120 pixel border on each side and 75 pixels on top and bottom of the screen !! ( of course if you want it placed elsewhere you just adjust the above settings as needed !)