My problem is that my character becomes a jack of all trades, things I like are:
- conjuration: bound weapons are really strong early mid game? They might fall of late game especially if you smith some yourself (haven't gotten that far) but I suppose by that time summons can be really handy.
- Bows and sneaking: I really like to be a ranger, but then come the problem that I like to fight close as well. + if you summon companions (wolves, deadra or atronach) you loose the sneak advantage because those morons reveal you somehow.
- Warrior: Like I already said I like to fight up close as well, early game I loved 2h because you could 1 hit people, but if I go for a ranger as well it would be best to stick with 1h right? An other question is shield or no shield?
I could go for 2h, 1h + shield or 1h + conjuration?
-Armor: last but not least I really loved light armor, played over 50h with light armor, so I was thinking to try out heavy armor especially that I like to switch to swords and stuff.
Do I really need heavy armor if I play 50% up front? Or is Light armor still the way to go because of sneaking and stuff?