Should bring back one guild per character, would improve player loyalty to that guild, myself I can count on one hand the guilds I've been in over the last 10 years.
If anything it'll encourage smaller guilds.
Join the smaller ones AND one of the larger ones.
Bat meet dead horse.
I personally hate the 5 guilds per account thing. Makes me want to avoid guilds altogether.
I wouldn't do that with the current treasure chest system that is in place in dungeons. Stick with a guild.
I think that it would be better if the guilds would be alliance bound instead of account. All of your characters from AD would be a member of guild A and all of your characters from EP would be members of guild B.
i just think the guild system is horrible, why didn't they stick with the 1guild/char system?
I think being able to join multiple guilds on the same character is good.
I think being forced to join your "Account" to the guild is bad.
On the standard model -- one guild, guilds are per char -- you can have an alt in every alliance anyway, belonging to different guilds.
That's certainly what I did in WoW. Had a Horde guildmaster at one point who kicked me for having an Alliance alt, since he thought that made me a traitor, but I thought that was just nutty. Factions in video games are fictional constructs. Your CHARACTER may have an ideological allegiance to one or the other, but if you're a PLAYER taking that seriously, you've completely lost perspective IMO.
Account-wide guilds are great because my relationship with my guildies is a relationship between players, not characters. I want to be able to communicate with my friends whenever I'm online, regardless of which alt either of us is playing. And we will all have a lot of alts
And multiple guilds are great, because different guilds serve different functions. My Alliance priest in WoW leveled up in a small guild and I made some good friends there, but when I got her to max level I wanted to raid, so I had to ditch that guild for a raid guild. The folks in the smaller guild saw it as a betrayal; but I wanted to play the rest of the game, which they were never going to do. In the ESO system I would not have had to choose.
Multiple guilds is going to allow for the flowering of all kinds of special interest and niche guilds, and I think that's great.
You can set your status as "offline" to any guild you want, so you have control over which guild sees you and which doesn't on any particular character. IMO that should solve any problems related to this.
Thank the gods for this. I stopped joining guilds because of the needy, greedy whiners that seemed to comprise 90% of guild chat/tells.
I am more of a solo monster, so guilds don't really apply to me or bother me much with the way they implement it.
Ah! I wasn't sure that you could do that on a guild by guild basis, I don't see what issue anyone could have with that being the case then. And yeah I like the freedom of joining more than one guild also.
I find it horrible as well.
The guild is a sacred thing. It is the home of a team which shares the same goals and works towards them.
With this multiple guild system guilds will be nothing more than chat rooms.
If anyone wants to "socialize" and "keep in touch" with friends etc, there's always the friends list.
Not to a great many people, myself included. They're often more bother than they're worth and most of the time they ARE just a chat room.
Those of you that don't want to belong to multiple guilds don't have to. I am sure you will be able to find like-minded people in like-minded guilds that have a one guild only policy.
It seems early to speculate on how those will work out but if they do work as intended it's hard to consider them a traditional guild, you'll just join them to have access to a market, nothing more.
You don't share guildchats, each guild has its own chat. When you're not rp'ing you set yourself offline to the rp guild and vice-versa.
There are many guilds with many different directions to take and you cannot really claim that this system only benefits those who abuse guilds. That's a very narrow view. You yourself claim to be a member of two guilds, does that mean you are only using those guilds for your benefit?
Not to go into it but the guild I will be in is designed into 3 sub-guilds, each specialising in a certain branch, there's no abusing of the other two guilds. Then there are merchant guilds will thrive on commerce, if you want to join one you should be exclusive to that guild? Even though their sole function will be to sell to you, not group/pve/pvp/whatever with you? It's not a one shoe fits all system, guilds will be very different with different goals and ideals, it has nothing to do with mixed loyalties.
Pfff I went and said something deep, touching and moving and you don't even quote the whole sentence. I am sorry for past bad experiences you might have had.
And I insist on this, adding something else, very true as well
Your choice can have consequences- who is to say that everyone in your faction (players) will accept you? There have already been tons of threads displaying peoples' interest in heavy RP, I'm sure you will meet some of them in your time playing. They could make it very interesting for you- it could limit guilds accepting you and who will group with you. That's a consequence.