Okay so I usually wouldn't be posting this if it was about any other game.. but this is Brink we are talking about, and I have HIGH hopes for this title. My question here is a bit cliche I guess, but I am looking for SERIOUS insight on the matter...
I have been an Xbox 360 owner for several years now, and most my old buddies are on there so it was my primary console up until recently, when I purchased a PS3. I got the PS3 pretty much because..well..it does everything hahah, I enjoy the free internet, built in wireless, blu ray, etc.. however, I find myself occasionally missing my buddies and the scoop over at xbox. Right now it looks like two of my old buddies on xbox plan on getting it, but what is drawing me away from xbox lately is having to go out and buy those darn live cards haha. Now I know with mostly all Multiplatform releases, Xbox seems to be the better route to take, however I noticed the amount of support and backing Splash Damage has put into Brink on the PS3, and I believe they are really making PS3 owners get a really good version of the game rather than a crappy port that most titles get on that console....
My question is (finally I know) as an owner of both consoles which system do you think I should get Brink on? One point of interest I need insight in from the community here is your take on the community of the game based off of each console... Community - Which one will be more receptive to the title, work better as team members, and push the life span of the game to the limits?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I just would like to get some insight as to which console version you guys think in the long run would cater better to my points of interest. Thanks in advance

PS: I know the PC version will be the best, but my pc just can't handle games of this caliber haha.