We've been monitoring weapon performance over the last few weeks and have made several balance adjustments. Below you'll find a list of changes that have already been rolled out to both 360 and PS3 and are ready for you to check out right now! The PC will receive these changes in the upcoming patch, due next week.
? AY69: Increased recoil
? DSG1: Reduced fire rate
? Feline: Increased recoil
? Hammer: Reduced recoil
? Jackal: Reduced full auto spread, Increased single shot spread
? Jaw: Reduced damage, Reduced rocket speed
? Kvolt: Increased damage
? LTag: Increased fire rate, Increased damage
? Mk60: Reduced recoil
? Scar: Increased recoil
? Scarab: Increased recoil, Increased spread
? Gauss attachment: Increased clip size, Removed damage falloff
? Light shotgun attachment: Increased clip size, Reduced damage
? Frag grenade: Increased damage
? HMG: Removed crouch accuracy bonus
? Air Stomp: Reduced recovery time
? Nano Recharge: Reduced recharge rate
? Detonation Delay: Reduced delay
? Energy Transfer: Reduced tier 3 transfer amount
? Point Fire Enhance: Reduced spread further
? Weapon Pro: Increased reload and ironsight speeds further
? Mobility Enhance: Increased energy costs
? Nanosuit 2.0: Reduced armour bonus
? Headshot damage modifier reduced
Let us know what you think once you've tried them out! Any further changes you guys could suggest, let us know
- gamesas Team