I only played D3
in D3 the Ship's are well balanced
even for noobs a Black Pyro isn't much better than a Tank or a Phoenix, but it's important to choose the right ship for the right tactic (Tunnel-ratting, Hit-n-Run, Tank, balanced)
the ships are better balanced as better the skill of the pilot is (I'm able to fly in all Ships, and use the right tactic at the right situation)
The Weapons are for a noob not worse balanced than in shooters like UT, some Weapons u can handle easy und aim fast, others not. There are a few weapons that are crappy.
Blue Laser: Start-Weapon, but enough for a Pro to make several kills,
Super Laser: Strong, nice on very short and medium-long distances, easy to dodge, harder to hit with it.
Vauss: Very nice on long Distances. if mastered with high skill, one of the deadliest Weapons
MD: Hard to aim better players, but with skill the deadliest Primary, hard to dodge
NapalmCannon: Short ranged, average Power, not useful.
Microwave: Extreme Damage with Rapidfire (when in a Tankl or a BP), hard to aim (shots block the sight)
not usful.
Plasma: Nice on short to medium distances, bad on long Distances, not useful.
EMD: Nice on medium to long distances, combined with homing Secondarys
Fusion: Deadly on short range, extremly powerfull when charged, Triplefusion from a Tank will instant kill all Ships (when not over 100 Shield), hard to aim on Long range
Omega: extreme short range but powerfull and homing, not useful.
Concussion: nice to use togehter with MD or Fusion or Vauss, hard to dodge (hardly visible) hard to aim exactly
Frag: Able to kill multiple enemies at once, easy to aim, hard to dodge when well placed, causes a lot of suicides on short distances
Homing: Nice but weak, easy to dodge
Guided: well it's guided, it's as stupid as its Pilot

Mortar: Medium ranged, powerfull, able to kill more than one enemy at once, instant ca 150 Shield damage when direct hit, easy to aim, hard to dodge when well placed, else easy.
Naplam: extremly fast, good for blocking Tunnels, hard to Aim, hard to dodge, Napalm-blobs are dangerous, possibility for suicides.
Smart: average skill needed to dodge, nice for killing guys who are hunting you, easy to aim, kills BP and Pheenie instant (when not over 100 Shields)
Cyclone: nice on short distances, nice in small rooms, not very useful
Mega: Powerfull, hard to aim because super easy to dodge, deadly on short range
Blackshark: Crap!!!
Pyro: nice for switchers, average speed and shield, good for with MD, Vauss,
Phoenix: fast, weak shields, nice for Hit and run, nice wirh MD,Laser, Plasma,
Magnum (Tank): slow, strong shields, good for precise shots, nice with Fusion, Microwave, Lasers,
Black Pyro (BP): average speed and shield, (weaker and slower than the Pyro), nice for tunnelrating an close distances, powerfull with Plasma and Microwave,
Descent is an EXTREMELY skillbased shooter, the ways to move and to aim are difficult to learn, and your combat-style is very personal, each Player fights in an other way, some Pilots are able to recognize enemy players depending on their flight-style.