» Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:54 pm
every now and then I can play multiplayer for more than five minutes by some act of god, only to find mountains of more bugs glitches and weird totally unexplainable nonsense. Most people have just stated the obvious and major problems, but there's a LOT of **** up stuff. Even if they do meet some of our "demands", they've got a **** of other stuff they gotta start fixing. Once people start being able to connect to the servers regularly they're just gonna see more disappointment. Oh, and I haven't even played the game THAT much, but I've run into bugs that're horrendously unexcusable not just in gameplay, but menus, queues, root files, scripting. Anyone with rudimentary computer knowledge can take a look at the core files and see this game was shipped UNFINISHED so much to the point it seems they just said, **** it, we'll finish it later...