I understand that multiplayer is impossible right now, but it would be awesome if Skyrim atleast had a Multiplayer Dungeon Finder. Since there are over, I think, 150 dungeons in Skyrim, it would be cool to atleast be able to complete dungeons with friends. I think they should add that and with it comes alot harder enemies that require teamwork to defeat, much better loot that is evenly distributed between player (Money is divided equally and a different player loots a different type of equipment so trading is encouraged), and I also think that threat could play a part so Tanking is required giving the game an even more RPG feel to it. Although this idea is probably frowned upon due to impossibility, what do you guys think about it?
I certainly do understand the multiplayer aspect for wanting it in Skyrim, and its something I would love to have, and if its just the dungeon finder it won't be a MMO >.>
Alot of people dont understand the urn for you and one other friend in the EoS series to achieve greatness and to watch someones back as a Dragon Lord pops up and embracing diffrent aspects of fighting, If nothing and I mean NOTHING was changed to create this multiplayer dungeon finder I would be all for it and if you never wanted to go multiplayer you would never be pressured to using it. I think that one thing that Wow needs is a personal touch which All the EoS titles posses. Its when you want to branch the multiplayer aspect to this game is where WOW will become nothing but a whisper in the past. Compatition is healthy and its something that EoS has not had in a LONG time, and I am sure everyone here can agree with that. After they finish all the homeworlds, I feel like that is when they will do a MMO, which will be nothing short of greatness...