Multiplayer Feedback Thread

Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:46 am

Post your feedback on multiplayer here, from balance issues to bugs. Lets make it easier for the developers to implement our comments in the patch
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:51 am

I'm not savvy enough to post the links from other threads, so I'll run the list down:
1) Lag - overall, seeing elastic banding, guns that have no sound (so you get killed and realize you've been getting shot at and had no idea), and major bullet lag in general. Instance - shooting half a clip into an enemy's back and they turn around, seemingly fire one shot, and you're dead
2) weapon balancing - a) Predator bow - sorry to say it, but arrows are passing through solid objects for kills. Also noticing one-shot foot kills even when armored up. b) typhoon and feline seem to be drawing alot of negative feedback as they are way overpowered right now, especially with rapid fire and aim enhance equipped (no matter which level). The AY69 can be fired, but you will not hear it most of the time, leading to the same issue above of realizing you've been getting shot at for seconds before you realize it, at which point it's too late.
3) Melee - sometimes it's one hit and someone drops, other times it's 3 hits to drop someone. There doesn't seem to be consistency.
4) Random texture issues - guns and pieces within the environment simply won't be there and then just suddenly pop in.
5) Connection issues - Probably should make this #1 - Migrating host always ends in a 30 second time-out and then you get booted back to the match select screen. Big issue is that all XP and k/d related info is lost in transition.

I know there's other issues, those are the ones I'm seeing. Hope this helps.

Edit: Ok, I'm at a major point of frustration and cussing right now. EVERY SINGLE DARN TIME that I have a round and get out to a solid lead, I get booted. It's like someone is rage quitting to prevent themselves from having a bad round. Why should we suffer the consequences of their immaturity? This is why I stopped playing C2, and honestly, I'm about to put this game down after dbl xp weekend. Even if they fix it, I'm permanently left with a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know how many MP games I've played with similar issues, but you'd think with the advancements in tech and online especially, that they would make absolutely sure this doesn't happen yet AGAIN. I'm tired of being stuck in matches with guys that pawn my entire team, and then when I pawn their team I get kicked!

Sorry for the rant, but Crytek needs to know they're going to lose their devoted fans this way. This will certainly deter new customers as well. I have 5 friends that want to check this game out, but I simply cannot put my credibility on the line due to "the online migration and getting kicked issues". If this happens consistently (which it already has), this game is going back to a retail store for a trade-in......................................! Maybe EA needs to step up and support their developers better.....of course we're talking about the publisher that just shut down the studio behind Army of Two....and the game hasn't even released yet :(

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:05 pm

Here are a couple of things I see (I'll edit & add later if I need to):
1.) Lag - The lag issue is killing the game experience for me! It's just like Crysis 2 (and the reason I stopped playing that game). If you can't keep the enemy in your sights, you can't shoot them (unless you're using the shotgun from - 1 meter. If using a scope on a weapon it's really noticeable - the enemy jumps a meter or so forward or back out of your sights. Sometimes you shoot where the enemy is and they're not there anymore, causing you to miss. By the time you see them next, they've heard your shot/ seen you, turned around, fired at you & probably killed you! Terrible!

2.) Bow - I will just say I agree with others: it shouldn't be a OHK to the knee, foot, or hand. (It shouldn't go through concrete pillars either.)

3.) Melee - There's still the issue from Crysis 2 where an enemy can run up behind you and hit you once in the back and you die. There are people playing this game that only sit on top of things waiting for the enemy to run by so they can do this. (This happens with or without armour on; doesn't include auto-armor as that's a separate issue.)

4.) Match making - Needs to work as advertised where you end up paired with people who are similar to you in skill. It keeps the game fun. Otherwise, you're in a room full of people on level 40 or 50 (or whatever) and you're at level 20. They're more skilled than you and they've unlocked nearly everything, so they'll probably own you the entire game. Leads to rage quits. Also discourages new players from sticking around.

5.) Cloak - Sometimes it seems like the cloak is too invisible. I know it doesn't make much sense, but hear me out. You can't make a player so completely invisible. Nanovision has only limited effectiveness against it. If I use Nanovision for even 2 seconds it seems like someone kills me while I'm stopped! The kill cam shows me standing there with my right hand at my temple staring into the distance and getting shot or melee'd. This also discourages new players from sticking around. If you can't see the enemy whatsoever, you can't kill them.

6.) Weapon balance - This is for weapons other than the bow. If someone is +2 meters from you and they shoot you with a shotgun, you shouldn't die - especially with armor (not counting auto-armor). It should be 2 shots to kill you from that range with the shotgun. There are a lot of issues like that where heavy weapons can't kill you from distance but another, lower caliber weapon can.

That's all I have for now. Good idea starting a thread like this. I'm sure it helped during the Beta.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:45 pm

Here are a couple of things I see (I'll edit & add later if I need to):
1.) Lag - The lag issue is killing the game experience for me! It's just like Crysis 2 (and the reason I stopped playing that game). If you can't keep the enemy in your sights, you can't shoot them (unless you're using the shotgun from - 1 meter. If using a scope on a weapon it's really noticeable - the enemy jumps a meter or so forward or back out of your sights. Sometimes you shoot where the enemy is and they're not there anymore, causing you to miss. By the time you see them next, they've heard your shot/ seen you, turned around, fired at you & probably killed you! Terrible!

2.) Bow - I will just say I agree with others: it shouldn't be a OHK to the knee, foot, or hand. (It shouldn't go through concrete pillars either.)

3.) Melee - There's still the issue from Crysis 2 where an enemy can run up behind you and hit you once in the back and you die. There are people playing this game that only sit on top of things waiting for the enemy to run by so they can do this. (This happens with or without armour on; doesn't include auto-armor as that's a separate issue.)

4.) Match making - Needs to work as advertised where you end up paired with people who are similar to you in skill. It keeps the game fun. Otherwise, you're in a room full of people on level 40 or 50 (or whatever) and you're at level 20. They're more skilled than you and they've unlocked nearly everything, so they'll probably own you the entire game. Leads to rage quits. Also discourages new players from sticking around.

5.) Cloak - Sometimes it seems like the cloak is too invisible. I know it doesn't make much sense, but hear me out. You can't make a player so completely invisible. Nanovision has only limited effectiveness against it. If I use Nanovision for even 2 seconds it seems like someone kills me while I'm stopped! The kill cam shows me standing there with my right hand at my temple staring into the distance and getting shot or melee'd. This also discourages new players from sticking around. If you can't see the enemy whatsoever, you can't kill them.

6.) Weapon balance - This is for weapons other than the bow. If someone is +2 meters from you and they shoot you with a shotgun, you shouldn't die - especially with armor (not counting auto-armor). It should be 2 shots to kill you from that range with the shotgun. There are a lot of issues like that where heavy weapons can't kill you from distance but another, lower caliber weapon can.

That's all I have for now. Good idea starting a thread like this. I'm sure it helped during the Beta.
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:34 pm

I'm loving the multiplayer except for the fact that I am demoted to lpevel one and can't gain any exp help me!!
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Post » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:29 pm

Bow is ok by me. Still takes more skill than a sniper and you forgo way better weapons by picking it.
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Phillip Brunyee
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