Multiplayer Hack Fest

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:57 pm

The single player campaign on this game is pretty cool from around half way in. It's a good game all round.
But as usual it's a hack fest on multiplayer. You would think having a nanosuit that made you go invis, pop armour whatever would be enough but no. There is one example. How many years are we away from counter-strike and we still have to put up with this ****? Forget if you can't beat em then join em, get banned and we will buy another of your games. There is far and away better and legit sources of pvp out there on other games atm, and pvp is a big seller on them all. Something that keeps players coming back.
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:36 am

yeah, i love spawning and getting shot in the head through 3 walls. But seriously, its not going to happen, they cant even get stats to track correctly or quick match feature to work. How do you expect them to go up against people who were able to decode and reverse engineer their game and implement their own features into it?
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:12 am

Or go against people in that link I posted, who laughed that they didn't even bother to protect the files that came unprotected with the download and probably the DVD. Do what you want!

End of my story is I played a good single player game, won't waste my time on a multiplayer which sadly could have had potential.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:54 am

i am already lvl 24 and i have yet to see a hacker anywhere ever on any server, the mp is great tons of fun lots of great players out there it is very fun and competitive i cant even play any other fps cuz this one just too good, good job crytek also gj keeping hackers out
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:49 pm

Hey, youve got a little **** on your nose. But seriously good troll bieber, good troll.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:08 am

i am already lvl 24 and i have yet to see a hacker anywhere ever on any server, the mp is great tons of fun lots of great players out there it is very fun and competitive i cant even play any other fps cuz this one just too good, good job crytek also gj keeping hackers out

I once saw a bus that went past that had ....special....people in it. They used their tongue on the bus window to try and emulate their feelings.

Sorry, you just reminded me of that momemt.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:19 pm

I just left a game with a hacker named "BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU". This ass clown had it all aim-bot wall hack speed hack C_MON Crytek live up to your promise about this being a hacker free game and pull your head out. By the way what happened to punk buster. if this is powered by game spy you would think that punk buster is a gimme.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:10 am

Agreed. Hackers are running rampant on the multiplayer servers.

After all the fuss with this game, I will not purchase another crytek product. At least not at $60. Perhaps for 10 or 20..
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:30 pm

I managed to get rid of many hackers by continiously abusing them through chat ingame.As soon as you spot a hacker continuously abuse him using the worst possible language known to you.Some leave wihile some continue to harass us.NOJOB is a hacker.He uses aimbot and health hack.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:49 pm

Since the patch I have seen only a few obvious hackers. Maybe its a regional thing?

I think there is a tendency to assume that players with high KDRs must be hackers.

Also you can shoot through certain walls and the perk "visor enhance" allows you to see enemies behind cover (you see a red outline when aiming down sites) and automatically tags them. The perk "nano recharge" allows much faster energy recharge and the perk "energy transfer" renews your energy with each kill - these becoming increasingly more effective when levelled up. Please don't confuse this with cheating.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:54 pm

lmao at this:

Our Crysis 2 Hack is getting super popular and we just released a new version today. Our Crysis 2 Hacks now include no recoil, meaning you can fire from the hip or aimed without the gun moving at all or the screen shaking. We also included no spread, meaning you can lock on with the aimbot without aiming the sniper rifle and kill someone on the other side of the map. Think that’s great? Try to Crysis 2 Hack with a pistol, take out the entire enemy team with pistol shots to the head

Or at this


And while this is all quite funny I still think, top 50 in Kill statistics as well as anyone else who has K/D > 100 should have their MP keys permanently invalidated - no questions asked. Or Crytek should at least make a statement that from now on this is the course of action when someone will be caught cheating - at least when hardcoe cheating is totally obvious from stats. At the moment hardcoe cheating seems like totally risk free amusemant so cheaters will cheat when there is nothing to lose.
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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:35 pm

Since the patch I have seen only a few obvious hackers. Maybe its a regional thing?

I think there is a tendency to assume that players with high KDRs must be hackers.

Also you can shoot through certain walls and the perk "visor enhance" allows you to see enemies behind cover (you see a red outline when aiming down sites) and automatically tags them. The perk "nano recharge" allows much faster energy recharge and the perk "energy transfer" renews your energy with each kill - these becoming increasingly more effective when levelled up. Please don't confuse this with cheating.

well said
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:20 pm

lmao at this:

Our Crysis 2 Hack is getting super popular and we just released a new version today. Our Crysis 2 Hacks now include no recoil, meaning you can fire from the hip or aimed without the gun moving at all or the screen shaking. We also included no spread, meaning you can lock on with the aimbot without aiming the sniper rifle and kill someone on the other side of the map. Think that’s great? Try to Crysis 2 Hack with a pistol, take out the entire enemy team with pistol shots to the head

Or at this


And while this is all quite funny I still think, top 50 in Kill statistics as well as anyone else who has K/D > 100 should have their MP keys permanently invalidated - no questions asked. Or Crytek should at least make a statement that from now on this is the course of action when someone will be caught cheating - at least when hardcoe cheating is totally obvious from stats. At the moment hardcoe cheating seems like totally risk free amusemant so cheaters will cheat when there is nothing to lose.


Looking at the ingame leaderboard is just ridiculous. People tampering with the game files violate the TOS. Ban them. Ban them quickly. No need to have big discussions about it as they are probably back with a new key soon after. Take action, Crytek.
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