» Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:17 pm
if its only for demo
glad its not in game,scared me for a bit
Who said it wasn't going to be in game. We don't know that, what a demo is, is usually a representation of the final game. The thing I did say was I'm hoping it's Crytek just been lazy and not removing the lobby for the demo.
@The Comfy Chair you'll soon get frustrated when there's 5 of you in a server all say waiting in a lobby until another player joins. You sit there wasting half you gaming time waiting, waiting waiting.
If you're waiting for that long for someone to join for a 9v9 game, the game is pretty much dead. How often do you join servers with only 5 people in them out of a maximum of 18 in other games?
It's a non issue.
also, inb4 'zomg play with friends!' = unranked server. Simples.