Multiplayer Models

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 9:37 pm

So. I remember, when the game was still in alpha stage, the ingame models of C.E.L.L and the Marines looked better imo. Here, if you don't know them anymore:


I think the C.E.L.L Model looks more precious then it does now. It looks like it's been especially made for C.E.L.L (wich it is) and the Marine's one looked imrpovised, like they stole the N2, and added simple camo pattern and a new helmet to it, wiht made it look even better.

I would give everything to get those designs back. I hope we can mod textures when the SDK comes out.

Then, the first person hands look... They look really awefull, compared to the Singleplayer hands. C.E.L.L hands look grey, with no detail, low resolution Textures etc. I would have expected C.E.L.L to have the same hands as Alcatraz in Singleplayer (look the the screens at the top, the hands DO look similar, even with the marines'), and the Marines having the typical N2 hands with Camo pattern. But it current state, I only like the Marines more, but if Crytek would fix this, I'd also like to play C.E.L.L.
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Mon May 30, 2011 4:34 am

Thing is in multiplayer you generally don't have enough time to "stop and smell the roses". But having less powerful and not as high tech nanosuits preserve (MP) balance and the feel of single player.

That said the only issue I have with the models is the camo paint which has CELL at a disadvantage. On the majority of the maps Marines blend in better, even with there cloak. It just comes down to the choice of color and how it stands out in certain scenery which can increase or reduce a players response time.
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Mon May 30, 2011 5:45 am

CELL should have had black and blue colouring in my opinion. The white just stands out incredibly.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Mon May 30, 2011 12:39 am

CELL nanosuit coloring is nice but only in the Nanosuit Showroom... In the field (in MP maps) there's a whole another story... it's just not fair if CELL are easier to spot than Marines. If you play lighthouse, Marine nanosuits are fitting just fine in the surrounding, but CELL are almost white and can be easily spotted from across the map.
The same problem on other maps...
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 9:05 pm

Let's make a Poll! Changing the Nanosuit Models back to the top ones. It's fair for everyone then.
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Sun of Sammy
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