Hello Right before Steam started downloading Patch I could not log in into my account, It keep saying Invalid CD Key for Multiplayer.... I played Online since game cameout...also i tryed to verify crysis 2 game files On steam that did not work. Any suggestion?> I bought this game to have fun. not for looking at "Invalid Multiplayer Cd Key Error" Help.
mine told me that my serial code is incorrect serial code,bla bla a valid key is required, yesterday everything was fine(before patch 2),i bought the game on steam.
Well I have,t played crysis in a week So i dont know if i had Same Problem as I have right Now but Right before Patch I was able to log in and I actually played 1 match but after Patch that was all over.
here is screen from pirat version, key check system was applyed 1-2 hours ago, before that i was able to login to MP and play on some servers, it was ~140 servers in server browser that were not patched yet
How can you Fix If its Prob server side problem that checks for Cd Key or keeps the CD Key for certain player. People that made Multiplayer Prob have same amount of skill with such things as I do. What a Joke, Crysis 2 fails hardcoe. no support.