Excellent! Thanks for all the info. Very helpful. This is a nice community!
What is the expected number of hours of play it will take to reach level 20? Are their unlocks that can be earned after reaching level 20 with acheivements (e.g. kill 3 people with one grenade)? What is the intent of the level system? To encourange objective based play?
In previous FPSs the group I play with has hosted a Friday Night Sandbox. In this "Sandbox" players must create a new 1st level character and only play that character in the Friday Night Sandbox. This is to encourage play in the Sandbox and to allow all the Sandbox players to work through the levels more or less together. Given what is explained above if the 5th character I create is my Sandbox character they will have access to goggles any of my previously created characters earned but I can decline to use them, right? Is there an easy way to keep a character "sterile" so that they are not affected/influcned by other characters? If the very first character I create is by Sandbox character will they then not have access to the items that other character created later earn? Or really any character created before I earn XP will be not be able to access items other characters earn, correct?
Is access to items strictly level based or are they acheivement based as well? For example might I have to get 50 headshots with a particular weapon before I unlock the scope or silencer for that weapon?
Ice Sickle
Gonna try to answer as much as I can, bear with me, Ice!
The developers have said something about completing both sides of the campaign takes around 10 hours, and if you do this your character will be around level 15, however this was for some time ago, so they might have changed the EXP values by now
And if I understand correctly, there wont be challenges like in Call of Duty, so no kill 3 guys with one frag things -
And the transfer EXP thing is probably so players can experience everything faster than in other games, maybe there is something else behind it, I don't know

And now for the final thing! THE SANDBOX ANSWER(s?)!
- If you reach level 20 and have unlocked all the guns and clothing items, you don't have to wear them on your level 1, but there is no reason not to, I mean, the Goggles for example wont affect your aiming or anything
- If you unlock something you will never have a clean and sterile character, since the option to use the unlocked item will always be there, you can just choose not to use it however
- If you want a new level 1 character, just create one, or delete one if you've filled all spots, characters can be erased!
- By doing this you will level up from the start and wont be able to use the later abilities, this is what this sandbox thing is for, right?
And that's all I can muster