» Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:14 pm
The basic mechanism is that the engine will select one line from the list randomly selected from those at or below the current player level or NPC level. That line can have a count on it that determines how many items are dropped, but only one line will be used. If you want distinct items, you need that line to refer to another leveled list, and check the "Calculate for each item" box.
What then happens is that the random selection from the inner list is made as many times as you specified for the count on the outer list. If you didn't check the box, it selects once, and gives you multiple copies of the same item. If the inner lists don't always return an item, then the count on the outer one is a maximum. If you want two items every time, make the count 2, and mark the inner lists with zero "Chance none".
Of course, that means that the inner list must be capable of returning different items, so these are typically a selection of items with the same level, so that any of them are eligible to be picked - an unleveled leveled list, if that makes sense. All the level adjustment is coming from the first list, but you can throw a few lower-level items into each inner one, if you want more variety.
You can take that all further with more layers of list, for example if you want to give the player a guaranteed leveled item, and the chance of another. At each stage you can replace an item in a list with another leveled list to make that one random.