Multiple questions, slaughterfish mesh, Cidhna mine light,

Post » Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:11 am

I'm making an own question thrad sinse I don't seem to get any answers in the quick question thread.

-I wanna add slaughterfish statics. But I don't really know how to find the meshes. I've added movable items as statics before, but when I look for the slaughterfish meshes I can't find them.

-Is Cidna Mine orange flicker shadow supposed to be nearly identical in color values to the Alikr orange flicker lights? My Cidna Mine orange flicker and Cidna Mine orange flicker Shadow do not match eachother.

-I can't seem to be able to place current markers, when I drag them to the renderwindow nothing happens and I get no marker. Yes I've turned markers on. What am I doing wrong?

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keri seymour
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