Has anyone tried placing multiple sirens in settlements?
I've seen a settler run to one and sound the alarm after all the gunfire starts during an attack, but does it help if you space more around the whole settlement?
Has anyone tried placing multiple sirens in settlements?
I've seen a settler run to one and sound the alarm after all the gunfire starts during an attack, but does it help if you space more around the whole settlement?
I haven't placed any of these yet, so I'm interested in how that'd work.
I've never built one as it seems all my settlers immediately react without any need for any warning, usually they also all sprint out from behind the fortified walls I have built for them to engage the enemy as well....please guys you could at least wait until they have made it though the minefield, past the massed battery of turrets and made it over the walls before you decide to fight the enemy.
I'm not sure what the siren does?
Wake sleeping settlers when they are attacked?
They always seem to be awake and ready to fight when I arrive.
I haven't seen much point in sirens. Settlers and turrets often start shooting when targets are way out in the weeds, immediately the whole settlement rushes over.
Is there a point to them?