» Wed May 18, 2011 9:06 am
Wow, I had trouble finding servers with room for me to join. All the US pro servers I joined were populated by Russians (90%). There have been abundant servers available and not all were full of people since day one. But the ones that do have people tend to fill up fast, esp standard servers. I joined a zero populated server and after 5 minutes I was joined by a boat load of people. There are a lot of game modes/server modes. Standard has been busy, Classic tends to have the same players over and over as do Pro servers. Standard fills up faster since this game is new and people like to get their feet wet before exploring other modes. Team Instant Action and Instant Action seem really busy to me.
I almost gave up on MP, but then I heard about the patch literally an hour after it was annouced. I went back in and, aside from the pro servers for which I can't tell if someone is using exploits as there is no kill cam), I saw no signs of cheaters, albeit high ping players were able to run circles around the rest of us. I have had the lowest ping of any player I've played with since the game came out (16 to 24 average, even as low as 7!) and it baffles me that it's actually a disadvantage against guys from Russia, Korea, Germany, etc.