Why do i get murders in civil war fights?, I know for 100% that it is only enemy's I'm killing and not friendly!
Why do i get murders in civil war fights?, I know for 100% that it is only enemy's I'm killing and not friendly!
OK so i am just going to stand there and be killed my self then?!
If i attack some one that is attacking me I am not murdering anyone, I'm defending my self. And it's a war, no one is murdering anyone in a war in real life when it comes to soldier vs soldier.
Ignore those stats, they really don't mean anything.
This is truth. and can we stop with all the Civil War threads when there is a problem with it?
Can you stop complaining about them and stay out the threads? This isn't even a real civil war thread.
Can you please stop and maybe go get high somewhere. There are two kinds of thread these forums do not need: Civil war Threads and threads about problem DURING the Civil War.
Go get high? Whatever, man. Civil war threads aren't going anywhere. Complaining about them does nothing but annoy me and everyone else.
You're not on the moderator list, are you?
@ OP: Sometimes you get a bounty for what seems like it ought to be fair game. Example, attacking the Penitus Oculatus agents in Dragonbridge. They've got "protected" status because they're needed for a quest line. It's a little messed up. You can also get a bounty for attacking a Thalmor patrol, though you don't if you aggro them by telling them you're going to worship who you want.
And with this, The question is answered, and we can all go "home" .
i did get a bounty for attacking a bounty hunter, but in the civil war quest line i don't think you get a bounty for killing (if you did my bounty would most likely would have been 30,000).