Music to "Redding", ripoff or tribute to Stephen Kin

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:16 am

So I'm playing through fallout3 and I get to the part where the music track "Redding" starts playing in the background. I'm playing through and suddenly I'm going, "I've heard this somewhere before" I dig through my DVD archives and find that the tune is damn near identical to intro music to Stephen King's "The Stand" Miniseries that aired on TV back in the early/mid 90's.
Music Clip from The Stand (start about 3:00 minutes into it)

Music Clip from Redding (start about 55-60 seconds into it)

If you listen to the actual soundtrack of The Stand (which I happen to have) the chords are identical to that played in "Redding". So my question is, was this a complete ripoff of the "Project Blue" song title from The Stand? or was it a tribute
( a nod if you will) to W.G. Snuffy Walden who composed the score for this awesome mini-series. If its a tribute, it would make sense as Fallout is about survival after the end of the world... and so is The Stand.

Your thoughts on the subject?
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:45 pm

It's not much of a choice you're offering there, "intentional" and "deliberate" are the same thing. What about "coincidence" or "unconcious steal"?

Also dunno what this has to do with NV.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:25 am

It's not much of a choice you're offering there, "intentional" and "deliberate" are the same thing. What about "coincidence" or "unconcious steal"?

Also dunno what this has to do with NV.

Coincidence would be if a game and a Movie had a similar plotline and theme like post End-of-the-world survival. Its another thing if music from the earlier one ends up in the later. the Chords are identical. Thus...Intentional Nod... or deliberate steal..

I bring it up in NV because the music from FO2 plays in FO-NV. I never had the privileged of playing FO2 so I'm bringing it up now.

My question to you is, why are acting defensively over a simple question?
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:03 pm

My question to you is, why are acting defensively over a simple question?

I think you're confusing "defensive" with "snarky", but either way it's my bad, apologies for not providing whatever answer it is you're after. FWIW, I'd still go for unintentional/unconcious steal myself, it's usually the cause of this kind of thing, there's a melody in your head and you don't even realise you heard it somewhere else first...
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:00 pm

Here's another one. The title theme to the roleplaying game "Risen" was ripped off from Fallout 3. Give it around 20 seconds, and you'll hear it clearly.

Risen was released about a year after Fallout 3, I believe.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:04 am

Here's another one. The title theme to the roleplaying game "Risen" was ripped off from Fallout 3. Give it around 20 seconds, and you'll hear it clearly.

Risen was released about a year after Fallout 3, I believe.

Heh, also interesting. yeah its pretty clear the people over at Piranha Bytes like themselves some Fallout action. Catchy beat though.

Ohh and as for dikeybird, Nahh, I didn't confuse defensive to being "an ass"... but if you want to say you were being snarky, thats fine too. >=)
Btw, I realize I linked a Fallout2 musical score above, but was referring to FO-NV as the musical score appears (apparently) in both games. Me, only hearing it in this current FO title. Look at the \Fallout New Vegas\Data\Music\Fallout1and2\Fallout2 as it does get used.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:39 pm

Mark Morgan worked with Snuffy Walden on the Stand soundtrack. Its not rip off, or a tribute.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:55 pm

Clearly intentional tribute.

BTW, I love Mark Morgan's fallout music, and it's in MP3 format in the data folders, I'm playing it in the background right now.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:07 am

Mark Morgan worked with Snuffy Walden on the Stand soundtrack. Its not rip off, or a tribute.

Huh, so weird... Mark Morgan doesn't show up in the credits (just did a brief credits scan of my movie) nor does it mention his work on the stand on his own website or on Wikipedia. The only mention of his working on The Stand with Snuffy is a brief blurb at the bottom of his own Wiki entry. Hey, I believe ya... just never knew that going into this post. I'm definitely siding with the intentional Tribute more than anything else. Either way, awesome soundtrack to both The Stand and the Fallout series.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:06 am

Heres an interview with Mark. He mentions working on the Stand w/ Snuffy:

Mark: Mark Snow asked If I wanted to collaborate on a main-title theme for a new show. I had been a fan of Mark’s work on X-Files, so of course I said yes. After the main-title was done, he asked if I wanted to do the underscore for the show. Again I said yes. Since then, we have worked on many shows together. As I said earlier, I worked with Snuffy Walden on lots of shows including the miniseries “The Stand” and recently with composer Sean Callery on a CBS show called “Shark”. As for other composers, I would love to collaborate with Clint Mansell, Paul Haslinger or James Newton Howard. As far as performers, it would be long time dream of mine to play with Peter Gabriel’s band and with David Sylvian. I would also love to write or perform with Lisa Gerrard. I really think she is incredible.
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brandon frier
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:55 pm

You mean the creepy FO1/2 background dungeon-crawling music? Yeah it does sound like that one theme in the TV version of TS. BTW, my evil hardcoe character is Randall Flag/Walter Odom/Martin Broadcloak. I liked that the creators brought that theme back, it creeped the hell out of me in FO1 in 1997. The soundtrack IMO needed Atticus Ross's "Book of Eli" main theme, now that's some Wasteland traveling music! That and "How do You Fix a Broken Heart?" by Al Green, even though it doesn't fit the FO Universe.
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Chris Ellis
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:35 pm

The real joy of it is... since the guy who did the music actually probably WROTE that part of the theme... my guess is that he recognized immediately that it was the -perfect- sound for an isolated industrial town with a western/end of the world theme going on.

Personally, I always buy the mine in Redding... clear it out... and -keep- it. That's how much I love that town.

I actually used the Fallout 2 Mapper to 'rebuild' the offices and facility, too. It was pretty epic. I love that place. My second favorite location in Fallout 2.

When I heard the music again in New Vegas... my jaw just dropped. It was amazing. Absolutely awesome.

Anyhow, thassit for me. I'm off to build me a mine.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:33 pm

Yeah.. I heard that too and thought it completely intentional.. The stand is a post apocalyptic move that takes place in Boulder Colorado (where mother Abagales people are.) and in Las Vegas, nevada.. ( where Flagg's People are. ) The music being a tribute completely makes sense.
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:24 am

There was a few sounds that felt familiar to me too.
Walking through the Strip I heard music that reminded me of Deus Ex when you are in Hell's Kitchen.
Also I'm not sure when this sound comes up.
I think it's when you earn xp but it sounds like a film reel rolling over.
To me (especially when fighting an enemy) it sounded like the Assault Commander from Duke Nukem saying "Die" in that weird voice.
Anyone else get this or am I crazy?
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:49 am

I think it's a hat's off nod to one of the greats.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:31 am

Yup, it is probably a tribute. I mean, come on, there are how many tributes to various apocalypse movies in the FO series.

Edit: Also, what radio station do you listen to to hear the old music?
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sunny lovett
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:49 pm

I see some resemblance but even if it was on purpose since when is FO 1 or 2 strangers to easter eggs? It seems more surprising how similar the leather armor in FO2 looks to the outfit Mel Gibson wore in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. That alone should over shadow any tiny similarities in soundtracks.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:56 am

The Leather Armor was always supposed to look like Mad Max Rovatovsky's Road Warrior armor. Read Sawyer and Uruquart's developer's comments on the Fallout Wiki. They explain all their Easter Eggs.
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