Music Won't Play, Only Ambient Sound

Post » Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:38 pm

Pretty weird glitch going on here. When I first bought the game and installed it via Steam, music played and everything was fine. But then one day I started up the game, and the game music wouldn't play. It's only the game's soundtrack, all ambient, combat, menu, etc. sounds play perfectly fine. When I start up the game and get past the start up videos, I hear what sounds kind of like a crackle, as if the music is just about to start, but then it cuts out practically immediately and the game doesn't play any music from that point on. I haven't tried any music mods, so I can't say for certain if it's something on the game's end (such as corrupt files) or my computer's end. I've tried troubleshooting the issue from both of those sides. I've reinstalled the game numerous times, validated the cache several times, and in all of those cases the glitch persisted. I've also installed the K-Lite codec pack a number of times, and I continue to have the issue. I'm at a loss, and I have no idea what is causing this problem.

After searching through google quite a bit, I've seen a few threads which seem to describe this issue, but I've already tried all of the solutions. Like I said, I'm not sure what the cause of the problem is, but I'd speculate it has something to do with file types. Given that some sounds play while others don't, it seems likely. Are ambient sounds and the game's soundtrack different file types?

Thanks for any help. It's greatly appreciated.
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Mimi BC
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