Race: Altmer (Balanced Races mod in use)
Birthsign: Mage (Balanced Birthsigns mod in use)
Class: Student of Akatosh (nGCD, OOO, and MMM are in use here, so class really matters now.)
Favored Attributes:
Major Skills:
Athletics (Nothing else fit!)
The character is obviously a pure mage, and my challenge for him is that his only means of offense and defense are his (notable) magical skills. He has been given everything he needs to assist him in keeping that magicka bar filled, but what happens when the going gets rough and it starts to empty?
I am now thinking long and hard about how best to present his backstory and the plot hook. I don't want to say much yet, but I will say that he will NOT be following the conventional Oblivion start sequence, he will still venture through that dungeon, yes, but how he actually gets there will be very different. Reason being, the vanilla start gives you absolutely no motivation to actually make the difference you do make other than the Emperor saying "Go do it! It is your destiny!" and as a result most of the fanfics I see here and at Chorrol either throw out the main quest completely or make it a background plot thread unrelated to the character who is at the story's center (apart from the Amulet of Kings segment). This alternate start scenario will attempt to give my character the motivation he needs to actually get out there and be the difference.
Once I'm happy with the first chapter, I'll put it up. Hope you all enjoy it!