after reading wat there doing with incresing the power of the bows for the basicly the one-hit-kill, why dont they just go for it and include low tech firearms? there advancing far enoug h into the future with skrim to allow for use of firearms liek muskets and flint lock pistols. they came close enough in morrowind with crassbows. to avoid ppl taking advantage of it tho they should be relaistic and make it basicly one-hit kill for anything but make it so that it takes forever to relaod. dont get me wrong, im not saying we should have machine guns, but low tech weapons like muslet wouldn't be to bad!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Please no!
Fantasy worlds should not have firearms. Magic replaces the need for more advanced technology.
I used to love Fable-- then they added guns. Now, I hate Fable.
I don't want to see that happen to my Elder Scrolls.
Why use a gun if you can shoot flaming bolts of death from your fingertips?