I must admit, The Legion has a thoughtful goal!

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:09 pm

No tech didnt result in the great war, lack of resources did. No more fuel etc.
Reliance on tech caused the great war. If people weren't so dependent on fuel and oil, then not only would it have lasted longer, but there wouldn't have a war over the loss of the resources.

Not to mention when every government has a couple hundred nukes, they are bound to start a war.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:51 pm

The legion needs allies, like the great khans. Once there "allies" are done their job, they absorb them into their ranks.

They do not "need" the Great Khans at all. They just want to "flavor" them in for the legion, and then quickly dismantle the tribe and absorb it. Otherwise they wish to see the great khans use In battle. The legion does not need them at all.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:42 pm

Reliance on tech caused the great war. If people weren't so dependent on fuel and oil, then not only would it have lasted longer, but there wouldn't have a war over the loss of the resources.

Not to mention when every government has a couple hundred nukes, they are bound to start a war.

Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:45 pm

While I wouldn't say having no women in warfare screwed them up, I would say it hurts their reputation.

I mean, what woman would voluntary breed with a legionarie? not many. That's why they...yeah. I don't agree with their views on that. That's just sixist.

Of course, history is also like that. Were women even allowed to serve in the roman empire back then? I'm not sure.
Yeah that's what I was trying to put but couldn't really say how, and as for how long women have been serving in armies I would say it was a fairly new idea in most larger armies around the world. (Like last 200-300 years maybe)
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:20 am

Reliance on tech caused the great war. If people weren't so dependent on fuel and oil, then not only would it have lasted longer, but there wouldn't have a war over the loss of the resources.
I don't understand this arguement, nor how to repsond to it... we're too dependant on fuel, well for one that's been the consensus pretty much since electricity became common place. If eveyone went back to using mangles instead of washing machines would that have "stopped our reliance on tech", or if people had shunned computers. If you're going to say something about Robot butlers or whatever don't bother because they were hardly a common domestic practice.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:57 pm

I don't understand this arguement, nor how to repsond to it... we're too dependant on fuel, well for one that's been the consensus pretty much since electricity became common place. If eveyone went back to using mangles instead of washing machines would that have "stopped our reliance on tech", or if people had shunned computers. If you're going to say something about Robot butlers or whatever don't bother because they were hardly a common domestic practice.


Seriously though, can you elaborate? I don't quite see your point of view.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:54 pm


Seriously though, can you elaborate? I don't quite see your point of view.
Nor yours, "to reliant on technology" what does that mean? That people have no survival skills. That we're consuming too much energy?
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:32 pm

Nor yours, "to reliant on technology" what does that mean? That people have no survival skills. That we're consuming too much energy?

People are to reliant on technology to solve their problems, conquer their enemies, ect.

Once their tech is taken away, how will they fend for themselves? Answer: they can't, or will fail trying.

The Legion trains and learns how to rely on other means besides technology.

Look at the great war for example. The many factions thought they could rely on nukes to destroy their enemy. What happen was nukes, technology, destroyed themselves instead.

If the invention and use of nukes were never invented, humanity as fallout knows it would have never happened. World wide massacre would have never happened. The end of mankind (or close to it) would have never happened.

I am Morgan Freeman, and I approve.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:55 am

Legions, especially Caesar's goal in the long run to truly save humanity from self destruction again and being a synthesis could well all be true. Issue is on every other side than ideology we've not been shown. From economy to civilian life.

Also remember that both the Legion and NCR emulate Italian/Greek systems that have failed and yet have been reused in the real world and the game time and time again.

Caesar's premise is that the new synthesis will outgrow both Democracy/Republic and Roman Empirical of their cons(They've both never faced off in the real world to such extremes) and truly bring about something almost perfect. Yet he also mentions him at the helm and the Legion as protectors.

Caesar's Legion is a very good ideological and philosophical discussion. But we get too little other than dialogue from Caesar to fully gauge it other than one apparent weakness: The Legion follows Edward Sallow. Not his ideology.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:01 pm

What about the NCR? They have proved so far that they can easily kill many of their soldiers with just their fists or swords through just tactical fighting and superior close quarters skills. Nelson and Camp Forlone hope are two good examples.
You didn't respond to my point
How is the Legion no tech is my first side comment. Guns, Fortifications, Artillery, Metal working, Energy Weapons (The Van Gruffs deal), Stealth Boys, Armor etc. etc. those are all technological things. The Legion relies on tech as much as every other faction even the spears they throw take craftsmanship and training to properly yield. With that all said how do you suppose they are a break from the past? In what way possible can an organization that's basically a degenerate Roman Empire be a break from the past?
, but concerning Nelson and Camp Forlorn. The only way the Legion could take Camp Forlorn Hope or Nelson is with Fallout logic. If you really think about Nelson one Ranger posted on a western hillside could mercy kill the NCR troopers, snipe the town and basically starve Dead Sea and the gang into submission. Only under the Fallout world would a Legionary not die from a shot to the head. That said no Legion assault on Forlorn with the Veteran Rangers and Power Armored troopers would stop any Legionary assault on the base.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:35 am

You didn't respond to my point

, but concerning Nelson and Camp Forlorn. The only way the Legion could take Camp Forlorn Hope or Nelson is with Fallout logic. If you really think about Nelson one Ranger posted on a western hillside could mercy kill the NCR troopers, snipe the town and basically starve Dead Sea and the gang into submission. Only under the Fallout world would a Legionary not die from a shot to the head. That said no Legion assault on Forlorn with the Veteran Rangers and Power Armored troopers would stop any Legionary assault on the base.

A few centurions and behind enemy lines fruitimalli(again, can't spell) could easily cripple Forlon hope with those troopers there.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:54 pm

People are to reliant on technology to solve their problems, conquer their enemies, ect.

Yeah it's called progress, it's why we don't [censored] in buckets and hurl it out into the street below like we did 500 years ago.

Once their tech is taken away, how will they fend for themselves? Answer: they can't, or will fail trying.

The idea is that they don't need to, how many people die due to illnessess and afflictions that medical science can cure?

The Legion trains and learns how to rely on other means besides technology.

They willingly shun devices which could improve their society, lives, and military all in the name of some ridiculous ideology; that is their great weakness.

Look at the great war for example. The many factions thought they could rely on nukes to destroy their enemy. What happen was nukes, technology, destroyed themselves instead.

No, nukes destroyed the world; everything from domestic labour saving devices to nuclear weapons cannot be lumped together into a convenient catagory simply so you can defend the Legion.

If the invention and use of nukes were never invented, humanity as fallout knows it would have never happened. World wide massacre would have never happened. The end of mankind (or close to it) would have never happened.

Nuclear weapons are a natural out-come of nuclear fission technology, end-off. Unless your solution is keeping the world in a state of complete stagnantion you have to accept that as fact.
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Megan Stabler
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:10 am

You still havn't responded to my point about how the Legion is a technological organization. But as far as Forlorn is concerned there is no in game evidence of the Legion spy units having anything to do with that Camp.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:35 pm

Once their tech is taken away, how will they fend for themselves? Answer: they can't, or will fail trying.

Why are you under the assumption that their technology will be take away from them or that it needs to be?

A fear of technology or the Luddite tendencies of the Legion are idiotic. Technology isn't what started the Great War, it is the nature of humanity itself. Caesar has displayed more that sufficiently that he can't correct that either.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:00 pm

Yeah it's called progress, it's why we don't [censored] in buckets and hurl it out into the street below like we did 500 years ago.

The idea is that they don't need to, how many people die due to illnessess and afflictions that medical science can cure?

They willingly shun devices which could improve their society, lives, and military all in the name of some ridiculous ideology; that is their great weakness.

No, nukes destroyed the world; everything from domestic labour saving devices to nuclear weapons cannot be lumped together into a convenient catagory simply so you can defend the Legion.

Nuclear weapons are a natural out-come of nuclear fission technology, end-off. Unless your solution is keeping the world in a state of complete stagnantion you have to accept that as fact.

Whoa! Chillax! I was just pitching in my two cents.
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naome duncan
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 12:49 pm

Legions, especially Caesar's goal in the long run to truly save humanity from self destruction again and being a synthesis could well all be true. Issue is on every other side than ideology we've not been shown. From economy to civilian life.

Also remember that both the Legion and NCR emulate Italian/Greek systems that have failed and yet have been reused in the real world and the game time and time again.

Caesar's premise is that the new synthesis will outgrow both Democracy/Republic and Roman Empirical of their cons(They've both never faced off in the real world to such extremes) and truly bring about something almost perfect. Yet he also mentions him at the helm and the Legion as protectors.

Caesar's Legion is a very good ideological and philosophical discussion. But we get too little other than dialogue from Caesar to fully gauge it other than one apparent weakness: The Legion follows Edward Sallow. Not his ideology.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:29 pm

Legions, especially Caesar's goal in the long run to truly save humanity from self destruction again and being a synthesis could well all be true. Issue is on every other side than ideology we've not been shown. From economy to civilian life.

Also remember that both the Legion and NCR emulate Italian/Greek systems that have failed and yet have been reused in the real world and the game time and time again.

Caesar's premise is that the new synthesis will outgrow both Democracy/Republic and Roman Empirical of their cons(They've both never faced off in the real world to such extremes) and truly bring about something almost perfect. Yet he also mentions him at the helm and the Legion as protectors.

Caesar's Legion is a very good ideological and philosophical discussion. But we get too little other than dialogue from Caesar to fully gauge it other than one apparent weakness: The Legion follows Edward Sallow. Not his ideology.

Edward sallow follows his idealogy. As long as he follows that, his legion will follow along and support it while he supports it.

I understand what your saying though. Gannon quote right?
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:12 pm

Ok will someone please answer me on how the Legion don't use tech, seriously even armor and spears are [censored] tech.
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Emily Rose
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:36 am

Legion has a noble goal, and they definitely would become a more acceptable group if the conquer Vegas and synthesis establishes their own nation with actual citizens, not slaves. However, I do not believe in slavery and deliberately keeping citizens from gaining higher education as a means to achieve this. I believe an independent Vegas led by the Courier or House's Vegas would be best for the Mojave; I prefer the Courier's Vegas due to more economic freedom and a less-demanding government.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:41 pm

Ok will someone please answer me on how the Legion don't use tech, seriously even armor and spears are [censored] tech.

Ok sure.

Spear < stealth boy

The end.

Seriously, it's common sense. Tech. Electrical crap and stuff. Not tech like spears and fire wich was innovated for its time. I'm talking the robotic things and stealth boys and stuff.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:17 pm

Ok sure.

Spear < stealth boy

The end.

Seriously, it's common sense. Tech. Electrical crap and stuff. Not tech like spears and fire wich was innovated for its time. I'm talking the robotic things and stealth boys and stuff.
The Legion use Anti-Material Rifles, Artillery, Ballistic Fist and Stealth Boys (Play the last DLC). They even tried to obtain energy weapons from the Van Gruffs. So please explain to me how they aren't a technological organization.
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:29 pm

Legion has a noble goal, and they definitely would become a more acceptable group if the conquer Vegas and synthesis establishes their own nation with actual citizens, not slaves. However, I do not believe in slavery and deliberately keeping citizens from gaining higher education as a means to achieve this. I believe an independent Vegas led by the Courier or House's Vegas would be best for the Mojave; I prefer the Courier's Vegas due to more economic freedom and a less-demanding government.

I agree with an independent Vegas.

If I had to choose to belong in the ncr or legion, I'd pick the ncr. It's currupt, greedy, and full of bad politics, just like our us government. But you know what? It sure is safer, easier, and much more free then the legion.

The Legion however, I support. Not in real life, as a life is more than something to just look at and throw away, but in a video game. In a whole cause, it is the most benifitial and sure way the world won't destroy itself against and everyone can be equal and safe. Well , those deemed fit and are of use to the legion.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:03 am

The Legion use Anti-Material Rifles, Artillery, Ballistic Fist and Stealth Boys (Play the last DLC). They even tried to obtain energy weapons from the Van Gruffs. So please explain to me how they aren't a technological organization.

Once again. They make use of technology, but they don't DEPEND on It.

Of course a machete won't do the job always, so they make use of scavaged, looted, and otherwise found weapons and use it only temporarily.

Look at the fumitatri(can't spell it). They offer strath boys for the courier, so they may use it too. They, however, can easily and more commonly sneak into enemy territory using just plain clothes or deceptive tactics instead of turning invisible and getting work done that way.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:37 pm

The Legion use Anti-Material Rifles, Artillery, Ballistic Fist and Stealth Boys (Play the last DLC). They even tried to obtain energy weapons from the Van Gruffs. So please explain to me how they aren't a technological organization.

I think they use tech enough to get the job done but not enough to be reliant on it. When other options are available that don't involve tech they take those options.
The only tech I know that they shun are chems because they can make you addicted to them and weak when you don't have them.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:59 pm

I think they use tech enough to get the job done but not enough to be reliant on it. When other options are available that don't involve tech they take those options.
The only tech I know that they shun are chems because they can make you addicted to them and weak when you don't have them.

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