To the majority of people who replied: I understand you may think the OP is overreacting, and maybe he/she is a little, but here is a point he tries to make early in his post as the reason for his anger, the absence of an internet connection. Now, I know everyone says, "why would anyone fail to have an internet connection?" If he is like me, the area in which I live is an absolute dead area. No providers whatsoever provide internet to my residence or the literally hundreds of homes around me. I live literally 10 minutes from a fairly large city, yet, no companies want to extend their coverage to my area. I could get satellite internet, but who wants to pay $110 a month for 2mb internet?! Luckily, I plan on moving after Christmas because of a new job, so I will eventually have a connection. So, before wondering about the OP overreacting, understand how outrageously infuriating it is to still live in a place where no internet exists. So, like the OP, I will he playing Skyrim unpatched, hoping no gamebreaking bugs exist.
I'd check out "Wildblue" as an ISP, we at Viasat recently put up a satellite (VIASAT-1) that offers 10MB/S to residential users across the USA, but I'm not sure whether head office (As I work from Australia) has made it available to the public, it may still be under testing.
This video may be helpful.