I Must Protest Thee My Beloved Skyrim!

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:11 am

To the majority of people who replied: I understand you may think the OP is overreacting, and maybe he/she is a little, but here is a point he tries to make early in his post as the reason for his anger, the absence of an internet connection. Now, I know everyone says, "why would anyone fail to have an internet connection?" If he is like me, the area in which I live is an absolute dead area. No providers whatsoever provide internet to my residence or the literally hundreds of homes around me. I live literally 10 minutes from a fairly large city, yet, no companies want to extend their coverage to my area. I could get satellite internet, but who wants to pay $110 a month for 2mb internet?! Luckily, I plan on moving after Christmas because of a new job, so I will eventually have a connection. So, before wondering about the OP overreacting, understand how outrageously infuriating it is to still live in a place where no internet exists. So, like the OP, I will he playing Skyrim unpatched, hoping no gamebreaking bugs exist.

I'd check out "Wildblue" as an ISP, we at Viasat recently put up a satellite (VIASAT-1) that offers 10MB/S to residential users across the USA, but I'm not sure whether head office (As I work from Australia) has made it available to the public, it may still be under testing.


This video may be helpful.
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Harry Hearing
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:44 pm

First world problems, much?

I really don't think there is any suitable anology to be drawn with Beth games given all the dynamic, modularly-scripted processes that may interact in unexpected ways. I'm no programmer, but I expect that at a certain point just sending the game into the wild is magnitudes more efficient than per-release testing could ever be.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:34 pm

Soooo, you want to wait until they do what exactly? The game is already gold, as in already hit the DvD presses, in boxes, shipped out, and have arrived in the stores most likely AND even paid for or paid on... Its too late to wish upon a star...The patch did not have to be even talked about, or mentioned by them, but not only did they do that, they bug fixed some things and planed on a patch release as soon as the game is released. Does anyone even know the kind of pressure this puts people under? I thank them for their hard work, long hours and the time spent fixing this game "after" it was done..., realizing that they could have waited a week or longer before releasing a single fix... I also think that this kind of action is anything but "half assed"... As far as not having the internet, well I dont have a million dollars. Maybe someone can help us both out?...; )
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:59 pm

here's a thought...... why dont you connect your xbox to the internet and catch up with the rest of the world, or bring it to a friends house and do the patch there.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:52 am

Can't you just bring your system to a friends house and download the patch? :/ Or if it bothers you so much.... just get internet on your console.

Edit: I'd also like to point out I ran into game-breaking glitches during FO:NV as well. I brought my xbox to a friends house and voilá, problem solved.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:40 pm

So, um. We are complaining over the buggy glitchy unplayable state of Skyrim, before we have even seen it, or anyone has even played it? Woah, okay..............
So what would be better, that they did NOT release any patches at all?

For all we know, this patch could do stuff like "Fixed localization error for Rotten Wolf Meat in german", "NPC's will no longer infinitely eat only melons, they now eat a variety of foods".
Like, yeah. Lets complain about a patch that fixes stuff. Yeah, it would be better if there was NO patch.

LOL what? Are you new to games? Patches are a GOOD thing, ALWAYS....
Look at the Sword of The Stars 2 release, then come back and scream about Skyrim, before anyone has even played Skyrim.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:24 pm

It is 2011 I think you can manage to connect to the internet and have a silver account. . . to expect a game such as fallout or the elder scrolls series to be bug free on release, and to think sell now/fix later is the mindset of bethesda is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. . . I am so tired of people complaining about the bugs these games have, that encompass so much few games can compare with. I have nothing but contempt for you and your fellows.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 pm

Wow. That's quite a rant. I don't mind the early updates; I appreciate that they're still trying to find problems; as to your lack of internet though..that's just going to get worse. I remember on my old dos machine getting a patch disk (floppy) in the mail for Darklands I think from Microprose. Those days are loooong gone. If you want to keep up, you really need a reliable internet connection. I know its expensive but its a really cost effective way for them to push out fixes and new content.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do..
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:34 pm

Too long, didnt read. But going solely off the title and subtitle it seems like you are complaining about a patch for a game that you do not even have nor know of any of the issues that it might be fixing or not fixing...
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:49 pm

Patches are a great thing; you are just mad that you cannot download them.

But alas! Here is an idea....take your hard-drive to a friends house WHO DOES HAVE INTERNET and download the patch there.

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Paula Rose
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:43 pm

I have no problem with day1 patches, or a whole slew of patches. But then, I'm connected to the internet. For people who still have little to no home internet access, this (or the Steam issue, or whatever other needs-internet issue) always svcks for them, so I have sympathy.

But whether one likes it or not, this is the way the game industry seems to be going, so unfortunately it seems to be, at the moment, adapt if possible, or delay purchase. :/
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Oyuki Manson Lavey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:40 am

Anyone who's ever worked in the game industry knows that patches are inevitable. You can test for an entire year non-stop and STILL find bugs, especially in games this size. The game gets polished right up to the deadline where it gets shipped off (going gold), and it doesn't get stopped unless a critical issue is found. Even then, testing doesn't stop, resulting in Day 0 patches.

I get a laugh out of people who think they can do a better job testing a game. They can't. No one can.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:50 am

Aren't day one patches fairly common with most games now? :confused:

Yes, except with TDU2 they waited for almost 5 months for a patch that didn't work anyway and PS3 still never got theirs. At the moment Atari has become the biggest joke for the shoddy work they pulled on their customer base. Even were sued by a slew of the fans for releasing a broken game in the first place.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:59 am

Too long, didnt read. But going solely off the title and subtitle it seems like you are complaining about a patch for a game that you do not even have nor know of any of the issues that it might be fixing or not fixing...

Maybe you need to read before you type.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:00 pm

I agree with OP.

I'm a professional craftsman with decades of experience. I don't make a product, sell it, and then go fix the problems 'I just happened to notice' on it; I check my work through and through before it exits the door. Not only does that mean loyal customers, it means that they don't have to wait 2 [censored] years for it to get 'patched up'. That is what it means to be a professional in any line of work. It's a shame that putting out a quality product is a dying art these days. Everyone wants fast fast fast cheap cheap cheap. Well that's what you end up with: crappy mass-produced junk...
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:30 am

I don't have internet either, besides my dads smart phone, Can you run xbox live with a phone the emits Wifi? I don't have a wireless adapter for my xbox yet, so I can't test it.
As far as the "it's 2011, everyone has/should have internet" don't forget about the people who can't afford it or has to choose between the internet or the cable, the latter being my family's situation.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:18 pm

I agree with OP.

I'm a professional craftsman with decades of experience. I don't make a product, sell it, and then go fix the problems 'I just happened to notice' on it; I check my work through and through before it exits the door. Not only does that mean loyal customers, it means that they don't have to wait 2 [censored] years for it to get 'patched up'. That is what it means to be a professional in any line of work. It's a shame that putting out a quality product is a dying art these days. Everyone wants fast fast fast cheap cheap cheap. Well that's what you end up with: crappy mass-produced junk...

You don't make software. Big difference.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:17 pm

Don't fret. Many games now have 1st day patches and frankly that is a good thing. Especially with a game as massive as Skyrim, I would be more upset if they didn't have a patch on the release day. In my mind it would tell me they weren't searching hard enough for bugs.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:57 pm

I find it odd that you take time to post and complain here... yet somehow you've achieved an internet connection somewhere. why not take your xbox with skyrim and just download the patch and call it a day?
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:37 pm

I was greatly shocked yesterday to read an article from a major gaming site (can I say IGN?) that on the very release week of Skyrim there is ALREADY an announcement for a *patch* (ummm...W H A T ? !)...My thoughts from reading the small article immediately went from confusion and bewilderment to straight out anger! There is a reason for my heated reaction, one in which countless of persons on this very same forum will (if honest) relate to but out of blind and hopeful loyalty to our favorite gaming company, has suppressed for fear of being labeled a 'hater'. That reason stemming from a looming unsaid fear and hushed unquestioned acceptance that Skyrim may follow the same fate and pattern of another flagship title, Fallout: New Vegas, in being a very 'buggy' and 'glitchy' affair upon release.

Flashback 2010: I, like many others, waited in anticipation for the release of what seemed to be an incredible follow up to *Fallout 3 (*In my opinion thee greatestRPG ever made only rivaled by Morrowind). Capitalizing on its own self-propelled heightended 'Hype' (as is now with Skyrim), initially FO:NV promised to be the award winning Game of the Year we hoped for. But alas something happened that quickly dispelled those ideal notions; after about 80+ hours of game play (personal accounts vary) I turn on my console, tried to load a game, and (*surprise*) I received the now well documented "save game glitch" that for lack of a better phrase was "one big f******g disappointment!" ~ I couldn't load ANY of the previous saves, my only option being to start a new game...Distraught and pissed off, I abandoned the game to my gameshelf to gather dust.

Bethesda, in an attempt to remedy the issues with FO:NV, have provided several patches offered for download here and there, but I have a problem that may be of dwindling concern (to them) but is a factor I assume for me an others alike...I DONT HAVE MY XBOX CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET! Therefore, all of this constant 'patching' does me sh*t little help! As mentioned, I was now reduced, like countless others, to abandoning the game and waiting for the recently announced Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, complete with DLC's and 'patches' (notice it did not get the heralded 'Game of the Year' title!) ~ (*On a similar note, last week I was able to finally get my hands on a copy of Gears of War 3 and Batman" Arkham City, but guess what? There's NOW "PATCHES to FIX GLITCHES!" ~ WTF is happening in the gaming industry? Just about EVERY MAJOR TITLE that's been released in the last month or so needs some damn "patch' to 'fix' what should have been noticed before it was burned and sent to marketplace shelves!!! ~ Can anyone say, "Quality Control?!"

In Short: I think that the litmus test for the technical integrity of all these game releases should NOT be based on the 'expanded possibilites' of CONNECTED consoles or pc's, but instead emphasis should be determined by, "Can this run on a STAND ALONE GAME CONSOLE WITHOUT BREAKING THE [censored] DOWN?" Even if I did have my console connected to the internet and could get downloads, I would (and do) find it troubling that there is the necessity of constant 'patching' to 'fix' a product that I just paid for or bought over a year ago! ("Why is this so buggy?!") This time around we're now being asked toPAY $60-$150 (collector's edition) for a product we're already being told is 'problematic' ~ S A Y W H A T ?!!!

Considering some or MANY of us have been bowled over by the 'Skyrim Hype' and may have Pre-Ordered, I would like to get STRAIGHT answers from Bethesda to these simple questions:

1) What is the nature of the bug(s) and how does it affect gameplay? Is it a gamebreaker? (or) is it something(s) that can be overlooked?
2) What will be the recourse for console owners who (like me) are NOT connected to the internet and or DON'T have an XBOX Live account and
want to have access to the patch(es)?

I think that I may be among a large number of consumers that are a committed crowd of Bethesda/TES fans, both past and present, whowant and expect Skyrim to be an award winning game and experience in the league of their previous titles. But I am also alarmed right now.Albeit not necessarily a huge practice of this particular company per se, a growing number of game developers in the industry seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable to release their products under the sentiment that "it's okay, we'll just put out a patch to fix it" without taking in account the inconvienience and cost to the ENTIRE purchasing public in mainataining any type of 'loyalty' to their brand under the present "sell now / fix later" atmosphere.

I say this attitude is UNACCEPTABLE and something that needs to be addressed before it spreads any further...In regards to the release ofSkyrim and its gimmicky (11.11.11) launch date, I say, I would have rathered the game be a month late to fix any existing problems, as opposed toit be thrown into the marketplace with what can be possible gamebreaking glitches or bugs.

N'uff said!

Sorry about the RANT, but I'm greatly diassappointed! ~ I've pre-ordered my copy of Skyrim and I need to be assured that I'm not being played the chump again likeI felt with Fallout:New Vegas! ~ What Do You All Think?




Link: http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1211842p1.html?_cmpid=ign1407

Dude, Bethesda didn't develop FO:NV... Obsidian did.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:16 pm

Um the US Master was probably gold about two weeks ago. They continue to fix little things and improve the game. I hope there are lots of patches, it shows they care.

Fallout New Vegas was made by another company, so the bugs it had are irrelevant to Skyrim.

Frankly you should expect bugs in a game as big as Skyrim. These rants are pointless.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:15 pm

A. Day one patches are a good thing. They mean the developers actually care about the game after releasing it and
B. New Vegas was not made by Bethesda.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:13 am

The thing that the OP has to realise is that if Bethesda fixed everything before the game was released, then it wouldn't ship for another 4 month's and the company has a dead line to meet. I'll take a couple little bugs over waiting longer any day. And they can't cater for the .5% of the population with no internet connection, it's just bad business.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:30 pm

Reposting this ~ Note the date of the original post (Notice how some of the responders attempted to make me out to be a villian of some sort...Now this forum is full of angry customers howling about a broken game) ~ Go figure!


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