Would it make you happy to buy a brand new car that can't drive, or it can, but it stops every once in a while, but you can take it to a mechanic day one, or any time you like?
If the car company discovered that, between the time the car left their factory and the time it arrived at my dealer, there was a problem with it? Yeah, I'd be thrilled that they were already on top of the issue and had a fix for it. Rather than waiting for me to call and say "why's this dashboard light on?"
Edit: also, this is BETHESDA we're talking about. They're famous for bugs. If Skyrim doesn't CTD during a long game session, I'll wonder if something's wrong with it :tongue:
Additionally..... beyond the whole "software's more complex these days" issue, there's the "48 million different PC components, drivers, OS's" issue. Yeah, Beth's tested the game on as many as they can manage. But I'm sure that the people who got review copies have discovered more issues. Or
that got released between Gold and Release changed something and caused a new bug. There will ALWAYS be more bugs for them to find. Lazy/Bad development would be to throw up their hands in defeat and say "we're done, deal with it yourself." Again, patch = good.