Ok, I posted once before about a guard suddenly dying to the left of me when leaving The Bannered Mare in Whiterun. Now, this entirely happened out out of the blue after my second day in Whiterun. Having stayed awhile and made money through forging weapons and armour, I started to notice that there are many many symbols littered around Whiterun. The first I stumbled across and noticed others reporting on was the one under the bridge where the stream runs, right at the entrance to Whiterun. Then there's another beside the Companion's Jorrvaskr building, which features the same triangle, only the circle is not in the center. Now, to my amazement, there are over 10 of these symbols around Whiterun that I have discovered so far, some resembling the other, but a few different types. If you're interested, then check the exterior of each building in Whiterun (haven't looked at the interiors for them). This is very unusual.
To add to this mystery, I must go back to the topic of the dead guard, who lies dead outside The Bannered Mare. After a few days, I have a guard come up to me and question me, asking if I had seen anything. I have the option to respond with "No", basically, which results in me being asked to speak with the commander of the guards if I see anything, then if I choose the second option in response, which is basically "I'm not saying anything", then the guard challenges you with a warning, then if you stubbornly respond once more, they arrest you. I cannot get my head around this, but this better not be leading to me being held guilty of his death when I did no such thing? A glitch?
What of these symbols?