Thanks for all the wonderful ideas everyone! Hopefully, I have addressed everyone here:
This sounds pretty good. Congrats on releasing your mod, too. I am doing and airship mod and am after some shaders that will shake the screen to simulate a strike and was also thinking of some that would simulate a dirty, smoky environment that blocks the player's vision to some extent. Any chance of you implementing the smoke effect and is it possible to make the screen shaker shader configurable to the extent that a script can call a specific shader for each type pof hit. For example, getting hit from the left would require a different shader than getting hit from the right.
Sounds like a pretty cool idea, though I think it's a bit beyond the scope of this mod. (I've been learning a lot of this stuff as I go myself.) You should probably try asking about it in the Morrowind Mods forum.
Just in the water, right?
I love this mod. I showed it to my friend who was playing Obliv in the next room, and he stopped playing it. lol.
I don't mind the HUD blurring at all.
Would it be possible to make the pan off the screen effect while it's raining? Maybe not in this mod, but a different one.
Yep, just in the water. It's probably possible to do that pan-effect when it's raining, but as you said not in this mod. (Perhaps a Mystical Weather Effects Mod?)
Sounds good so far. You are already doing many of the things I dreamed about. I haven't tried your night version yet, so I'm not sure how you implemented it. However, when I started dreaming about underwater mods, the four things I wanted were:
- Distortion in the water - Originally I dreamed this up as being fairly clear around you, and more distorted the farther out you looked. I tried playing with MGE's underwater fog, but couldn't get anything I liked. Although your shader blurs everything equally, it is more the adequate at giving me the effect I was looking for.
- Dark water at night and in caves - It looks like you have this taken care of. Like I said, I haven't tried it yet, so I'm not sure if it is the same kind of darkness I was looking for. One thing that I wanted to achieve with the darkness was that looking up at the surface of the water from underneath would reveal light. See harlanrm's underwater shader for an idea of what I'm talking about.
- Darker underwater in bad weather - I wanted the amount of light underwater to change based on the weather outside. I'm specifically referring the the light bouncing off the sea floor. Right now, water is lit as though there is sunshine all the time above water.
As for the distortion effect, doesn't the ENBSeries have something of that sort, but also when above water? I'd imagine that implementing such an effect could be pretty damaging to one's frame-rate, if it even was possible through MGE Shaders. I really have no clue about this one, so I'll look into it a bit.
Love the idea about darkening in bad weather, I'll definitely add that.
As for the water shining through, if harlanrm's underwater shader does it, why not use that?
I've missed your relz. Congrutualitions. Very well thought. If you are willing to do more MGE mods, I was wondering if you want to do a "region based fog color changer mod". Example: around bitter coast the fog color will change to a greener color. I would apreciate it if you could add this request at the bottom of your list.
Well, I believe Vality's fog looks like that because of the Colour Palette he uses in the ENBSeries. However, I believe this is possible through MGE, though probably a bit beyond the scope of this mod, I certainly like the idea.
Would love is some combat interior was made. If you for example meet a slaughter fish or some other nasty watery creature, you can at this point with the blur effect almost see nothing of his textures. Sad Enough. To solve this you might could do as vtastek said about using color changer. For instance, when meeting a angry fellow of the sea the screens slowly progress to a red alerted color and lesser blur effect. Makes sense also cause your are more focused in a battle then when randomly just swimming around.
Yeah, 1-0 for the little brother Morrowind! That's what we talking about!
PS: It's really an awesome mod, adds allot of realism to the maybe forgotten water regions. Kudos to you Linora for making and developing it further.
I like the idea about a slightly lesser blur effect or when combat is initiated.
This will be pretty easy to do, and since I like it quite a bit, I'll being adding it.
I was reminded of, which has some shaders effects for TES IV's NightEye. Do any of those look like interesting effects? :unsure:
As my knowledge of shaders is limited at best, these could be very helpful in figuring out how to do some effects. Especially if I try a whirl at implementing a distortion effect mentioned by Silverglade. :twirl: Thanks!