Personally I feel Illusion has spells that aren't right. Its supposed to affect the mind of others? How does that make a radius of light around me?
No, originally in Daggerfall Thaumatorgy school dealt with "affecting others", and Illusion was purely that of visibility. That made Illusion extremely weak, so Thaumatorgy spells was for the most part moved into Illusion (some into Mysticism). Now however, Illusion is mostly that of "affecting others", which is why I don't agree with the name.
Night eye makes sense, affecting how your eye percieves the light, but to create a radius?
To me, Night Eye (and if we had Animal Eye and Heat Vision), would actually fit better with Restoration (Body Magic), as it deals with enhancing the abilities within the body itself.
Its easier and makes more sense to create a light source than to make the eye percieve a fictional light source.
Agreed. But I think Light belongs in Mysticism. I you think logically, and consider Mysticism to be Meta school of magic, what would be the two first things you would ever learn?
Dispell - Extremely important when things go wrong, as they typically do when you're starting out

Light - Channelizing the fabric in and around you to become a strong light source originating from a single point. But also visible to others.
Detect light isn't affecting anyones mind, not even your own. Its "feeling" the presence of another life form, not affecting how you percieve something.
Detect light? That is basic perception of they eye. Nothing magical about it at all. Detect life however, IS a magical ability, since you're able to see this source of magic where eye perception is blocked by objects.
On to other schools of magic. Restoration. Its a defensive school, raise stats, resist elements, heal or fortify life. Absorb isn't particularly defensive. Sure it does modify your stats, but it also drains someone elses, drain is destruction. Maybe absorbing stats should be in destruction? Or maybe they should be back in Mysticism.
That is precisely why I don't like Destruction as a school. If it became purely Elemental (not only for bad), many of its spells could with ease be moved to other schools where they fit better, and with a good engine there is lots of fun to be had with Elemental magic. If you start moving everything that can be used for destructive purposes into Destruction, it becomes waaaay to dominant and unbalanced. If renamed to Elemental, Disintegrate goes to Alteration (since it affects physical things in the world), Absorb and Drain etc goes to Restoration (or Body magic is more fitting).
Alteration and Destruction are mostly solid. But moving telekinesis into Alteration? It would only make sense depending on how you are manipulating the object. Are you creating forces on it to move it in the desired direction, such as creating a light wind to push upward causing it to float? Or are you affecting the, well I guess thats why no one understands Mysticism. If it is being moved by a non-physical force, I could see it belonging in Mysticism.
Disagree on Destruction being solid, as shown above

I agree Telekinesis is also Mysticism, and probably the third thing you would learn during Meta Magic - the basics. Limited at first, naturally, but can become a strong companion once fully trained. Telekinesis is also the one effect I'm having the most problem with placing

Alteration is affecting other physical things in the world, so telekinesis belongs there too. Open lock, isn't that an advanced form of telekinesis? You manipulate the internals of the lock based on your knowledge of how a lock works, yet you are operating on things you cannot see. So in the end in my system I ended up putting telekinesis in Alteration.
Absorb and reflect magic belong in Mysticism. It isn't a physical interaction, how could that be Alteration?
Highly agree on that. In my system (which may break lore in other ways, but for the sake of discussion), Mysticism if center of all. All schools of magic have 5 perks, or levels, giving them access to more and more spell effects. I divided them as follows:
1. Dispells, Light, & Detects
2. Protection & Resists
3. Divinity & Relocation (mark, recall, intervention spells)
4. Item charging & Whites (replacing enchant as a skill)
5. Enchanting & Blacks (replacing enchant as a skill)
Body school of magic (was restoration):
1. Restoration (basic healing)
2. Fortification
3. Clensing
4. Inhuman abilities (Night Eye)
5. Destructive
Affection school of magic (was illusion):
1. Charm, Calm & Demoralize
2. Frenzy & Rally
3. Silence & Paralyze
4. Chameleon & Invisibility
5. Commanding
Conjuration school of magic:
1. Items
2. Beastiary
3. Undead
4. Dremora
5. Daedra
Elemental school of magic (was destruction):
1. Fire
2. Frost
3. Wind
4. Water
5. Earth (Void, the invisible, is covered in Mysticism as fabric of magic itself)
Look at other games, there is tons of fun to be had with these alone

1. Weights (feather, burden, weak at the beginning, but grows strong with skill)
2. Remote (simple telekinesis, but will grow strong with skill)
3. Manipulation (open locks, manipulate invisible mechanics)
4. Visible Physics (manipulate structure of nature itself, allowing water walking and water breathing)
5. Invisible Physics (manipulate invisible forces of nature, allowing yourself to fly)
When it comes to magic, I have massive problems coming up with perks per school in the usual perk way. Doing it this way it feels like natural progression, and for anyone with only magic skills, will be fully trained at level 30, so it appears to be quite balanced as well.
I have no idea what BGS have in store for us, I just hope magic perks won't appear ludicrous.