Where are you getting this from because there is no such spell. If your referring to mark and recall then I'll dispute that momentarily.
Those spells, including intervention, are teleportation spells. There is no getting around that fact. Mark may be not, but Recall certainly is, and it only makes sense to maintain Mark in the same school not only for simplicities sake, but also because it doesn't fit anywhere else anyway.
Lets see what the Oblivion manual has to say:
"Restoration heals, restores and fortifies the body's attributes and abilities, cures diseases and protects it from other malign influences."
According to your above statement Cure and Restore spells are not Restoration because they don't restore any thing beyond a normal state. Try again.Yes, they are Restoration and I never disputed that. However, Dispel is dealing with magic that has affected the body. Cure and Restore are dealing with
physical problems that have affected the body. If we are just relying on the keyword "restore" then yes you could throw dispel into Restoration. But the cure and restore spells are dealing with more with physical ailments (that may or may not have been caused by magic, but are not magical issues in of themselves. Notice how no restoration spell stops magic unless it is directly countering the physical damage being caused by magic) and dispel deals with magical ailments. Thus, dispel belongs in Mysticism because, as others have said more simply than I, mysticism is the fabric of magic. Thus any spell that deals purely with no specific kind of magic (dispel affects everything except enchantments and alchemy, which are different from regular magic) like dispel belongs in mysticism.
Seeing as how soul trapping is essential to enchanting this is really not debatable.
Sure, but that is skipping over the point entirely. Enchanting is not a magical skill like destruction or illusion is, and throwing a spell into that school really doesn't make any sense whatsoever except in pure gameplay, which is not necessarily what I'm arguing about here.
Lets see what the Oblivion manual has to say:
"Alteration involves manipulation of the physical world and it's natural properties."
Yep that is what telekinesis is and teleportation too for that matter. The moving of objects or beings short or far.
Key word: properties. Though the definition there might leave it up to some speculation, the fact of the matter is that traditional Alteration spells affect internal properties of objects in the physical world, not their external properties. The only alteration spell that even comes close to affecting external properties (technically really) is Open/Lock spells, and I personally think those should be mysticism anyway, having so many similarities to telekinises.
Lets see what the Oblivion manual has to say:
"Illusion affects the perception and mind of living subjects."
Detect life alters your perception be able to see life
Yes it does, but it does so not by affecting the living, but by connecting with them. That is where the power of detect life comes from. And again, refer to what Mysticism is defined as in not only the real world, but in TES as well. The power to sense the location of souls, which detect life does, is an ability that can be better connected to mysticism rather than illusion, which is more dealing with toying with the minds of others and enhancing your own perception. Sensing life is not included in this, as the perception that illusion can enhance deals with physical perception. Seeing in the darkness. Seeing life is very different from that.
But since absorb IS in restoration then that is the best place for it.
In Oblivion, it was. But it had no business being there. Restoration was and should never again be a school of pacifistic magic. In Morrowind, no restoration spell could harm another being, and it should have stayed that way. Again, you are missing the point and relying a little bit too much on how Oblivion has defined the skills and spell set.
Reflect - I'd say Alteration seeing as it's really just another type of shield and all of the shield spells are in this school.
Wrong, Fire, Lightning and Frost shields are also Alteration spells. Elements are considered to be forces of the physical world and regardless of their origin(natural or magical) Alteration can manipulate them to the point of nullifying their effects or out right reflecting them back at the source.
No, it can't reflect. Elemental shields only reduce the damage done by elemental damage as well as the physical blows behind them. And even if they could, that would then make Reflect a pointless spell, and I don't think it should be.
Regardless of the validity of the skill it is gone so i suggest you get used to it.
Spare us the love it or leave it tactics. They're old and terrible arguments. We hold a legitimate concern and if you don't like that, then you don't have to argue.
Of course it is, but what do you call people who purely practice magic as far as the schools of magic go? A mage who was too esoteric to take up a specific school of research? No, mysticism should stay in even with the fact that it is just magic, as there should be an option for a plain "Magic" school of magic. And so much more could have been done with it to make it useful, especially with the new physics engine. Telekinetic damage anyone?
It would be stupid to think that things Didn't change.
Of course things change, but it is stupid to think that something like this could have ever been reasonably changed. And yes, while it is still there technically, it just doesn't make any sense. Spells that used to be in mysticism belonged in mysticism. Nowhere else.
Do you have a source for this?The article said that now rather than putting points into attributes, we put them directly into health, magicka, and stamina. Or something like that.