Heh. I ran into some of the new monsters, and I must say, with the exception of the Pirate ship, which has like a really high polygon count, or something, because it drags my framerate from 70 to 35-40, the treasure so far is rather disappointing. The goblin was hard to find, and dropped the same goblin loot. Maybe a tiny increase in loot quality would have been nice. I don't know...your mod.
The wolf didn't even drop a pelt, and while I'm certain some of the others drop good things, I have to find them first.
But all this is my opinion.
Loot isn't everything, however, having something unique from unique one of a kind monsters, it would be nice.
Also, whoa, pirates have 5000 gold in a Spanish chest.
I call it that, because it's name is in Spanish. Which makes it stand out. I like that.
This is the English version, by the way.
I'll hunt down the other monsters later and hopefully you won't be annoyed at my ideas.
Because I can be annoying.
The wolf didn't even drop a pelt, and while I'm certain some of the others drop good things, I have to find them first.

But all this is my opinion.
Loot isn't everything, however, having something unique from unique one of a kind monsters, it would be nice.
Also, whoa, pirates have 5000 gold in a Spanish chest.

This is the English version, by the way.
I'll hunt down the other monsters later and hopefully you won't be annoyed at my ideas.

You are using the spanish version, because the Pirate Ship was removed from english version. Don't use it (spanish version) if you have got the english game, because some monsters simply will not appear!!!
And yes, the loot is poor. The challengue is killing. The hunter's guild rewards you with money.
The fact is, what special items could be dropped? Ideas? I could introduce them in the next and improved version.